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TRANSPORT-Transport 2025

Digitalized and autonomous transport brokerage for the logistic sector.

Alternative title: En digitalisert og automatisert transportmeglingstjeneste for logistikkbransjen.

Awarded: NOK 8.1 mill.

Project Number:


Application Type:

Project Period:

2022 - 2024

Funding received from:


Swipload is developing services for the freight transport sector to facilitate a higher utilisation of residual capacity through automation of transport brokerage and efficient processes between the transport buyer and carrier. This includes processes such as order placement, carrier communication, track&trace, and invoice administration. The Institute of Transport Economics estimates that every third kilometre driven by a lorry is empty. This is highly environmentally adverse and harmful to the climate, as heavy transport by road accounts for as much as 7 % of all global CO2 emissions. Another important aspect is that carriers, freight forwarders and traffic managers, i.e., those who are operationally responsible for the purchase and sale of transport, still work in a very "manual" and inefficient way, using mostly email and telephone. In other words, expensive and unsustainable. Swipload aims to develop services that will simplify these processes and facilitate the green shift within the industry. Swipload will develop services to facilitate high utilisation of residual capacity by researching the use of autonomous brokerage solutions. The project will develop such solutions using artificial intelligence to automate several of the manual operations associated with transport brokerage. The purpose of the research is to find solutions that reduces the number of lorries without cargo, illegal cabotage, and the associated environmental impact both globally and domestically. At the same time, solutions that enable choices based on a sustainability focus must be facilitated. The result of the research project will be an ability to offer solutions that will facilitate the green shift in the transport sector, thereby helping Norway achieve its climate goals. The research project may prove to have great value potential for Swipload users through increased efficiency, information flow and profits, and for society in general through positive climate and safety effects.

Swipload Next skal utvikle en tjeneste for godstransportsektoren som legger til rette for høy utnyttelse av restkapasitet i bransjen gjennom automatisering av transportmegling. En automatisert transportmegling innebærer at det implementeres metodikk for kunstig intelligens i tjenesten for å automatisere flere av de manuelle operasjonene som er forbundet med transportmegling i dag. Løsningen vil være den eneste på markedet og tjenestene som utvikles gjennom prosjektet er etterspurt av aktører for optimalisering av partigodstransport i dag. Prosjektet vil også utvikle tilleggstjenester i form av en smidig beregning av klimafotavtrykk og ruteoptimalisering for å støtte opp under den automatiserte transportmeglingen. Målsettingen til prosjektet er å bidra til å redusere tomkjøring fra 30% til 10% frem mot 2030. Løsningen som presenteres i Swipload Next er en ny og innovativ tjeneste for å redusere tomkjøring, illegal kabotasje og miljøbelastning både nasjonalt og internasjonalt.

Funding scheme:

TRANSPORT-Transport 2025