GreenCap Solutions has further developed its chemical-free concept for capturing carbon dioxide (CO2), both from point emissions and directly from the air (DAC). The project addresses one of the biggest challenges for CO2 capture technologies: high energy consumption, which leads to elevated operating costs. This challenge is particularly significant for technologies that capture CO2 directly from the atmosphere, where large volumes of air must be processed to extract the relatively low concentrations of CO2.
The main goal of this project is to make DAC technology economically competitive without the need for financial subsidies. The operating costs for GreenCap’s CO2 capture technology are largely tied to energy consumption, and the project focuses on improving energy efficiency. If successful, GreenCap’s solutions will be attractive to companies and industries seeking to invest in CO2 capture as part of their sustainability efforts.
The core of GreenCap’s technology is zeolite, a porous aluminosilicate material that traps CO2 in its pores. The amount of CO2 that zeolite can capture depends on factors such as temperature: lower temperatures result in higher capacity, while higher temperatures are used to release the captured CO2. However, zeolite also traps water, which binds more strongly than CO2. This reduces CO2 capacity and requires additional energy to remove the water. A key objective of the project is to address these challenges and optimize the performance of the zeolite.
The project is structured around several main activities:
Air dehumidification:
Developing technology for continuous air dehumidification using enthalpy wheels with water-absorbing properties. This reduces the moisture in the air before it reaches the zeolite, improving CO2 capture efficiency.
Optimization of CO2 capture:
The next phase focuses on refining the CO2 capture process to maximize CO2 uptake while minimizing energy consumption. Heat recovery plays a crucial role in improving the system’s overall energy efficiency.
Full-scale testing:
In the final phase, the DAC units are tested under real-world conditions, with full data collection and optimization to ensure that the system performs as expected.
The Z50 module has been developed and tested as part of this project. It captures up to 50 tons of CO2 annually, with an energy efficiency target of 1.5 kWh per kg of CO2 captured. The project has provided valuable insights into how the technology can be optimized, leading to a better understanding of the technical choices made along the way.
A key outcome of the research is a commercial agreement. GreenCap has entered into a license agreement with Munters Belgium SA, where GreenCap’s CO2 adsorption technology developed in the Z50 project is now being applied in industrial applications. This agreement is an important step in demonstrating the scalability and commercial viability of the technology, as Munters can now deliver the solution to its customers across various sectors. The partnership with Munters highlights how innovations from the research project can be translated into practical solutions that contribute to global CO2 reduction efforts.
GreenCap Solutions has demonstrated its Z50 technology to international customers and stakeholders, and the technology stands out as one of the few known DAC solutions in the world that operates without the use of chemicals. These demonstrations have helped expand the global commercial network and increase visibility for GreenCap Solutions.
Furthermore, GreenCap has applied the lessons learned from the Z50 project to conduct feasibility studies for other potential customers, expanding the technology’s scope beyond its original focus on direct air capture. These studies have explored the potential for point-source CO2 capture, which is critical for industries with concentrated emissions. The flexibility of the technology and its ability to adapt to various use cases demonstrate its potential for widespread impact in sectors such as agriculture, manufacturing, and energy production.
As the project moves forward, GreenCap continues to improve and scale the DAC technology to capture even larger volumes of CO2, while further enhancing energy efficiency. Long-term goals include making CO2 capture technologies accessible to a broader range of industries, ultimately contributing to the global fight against climate change.
GreenCap Solutions har startet utviklingen av et nytt kjemikaliefritt konsept for fangst av karbondioksid fra punktutslipp og direkte fra luft (DAC). Vår teknologi er fri for kjemikalier og baserer seg på bruk av zeolitter som gir mulighet til å fange CO2 ned til veldig lave konsentrasjoner (<1 ppm). Sammen med karbon-lagring (CCS) og/eller -utnyttelse (CCU) vil DAC løsninger være med å lukke og reversere karbonutslippene. I tillegg er skalerbarheten av løsningen velegnet som CCU for forbrukere av CO2 som f.eks. veksthus, bryggerier og slakteri, og for applikasjoner hvor utslippene ikke er store nok til å forsvare investering i et fullt CCS-anlegg (mindre fabrikker o.l.). En utfordring for alle CO2-fangst-teknologier, er det høye energiforbruket—noe som resulterer i høye driftskostnader. Dette er spesielt relevant for konsepter der CO2 fanges opp direkte fra atmosfæren, hvor store mengder luft må behandles. Denne utfordringen bremser implementeringen av CCS/CCU, noe som igjen bremser kampen mot klimaendringene.
Dette prosjektet har som mål å kommersialisere vårt konsept, og da må både investeringskostnaden og driftskostnadene ned, og dermed energieffektiviteten opp. Det skal settes søkelys på energiforbruket i hvert steg gjennom hele prosessen for å finne den mest energi- og økonomisk lønnsomme løsningen. Vår visjon er å levere skalerbare, globalt konkurransedyktige CO2-fangst produkter. Det skal i løpet av dette prosjektet utvikles to DAC-moduler med CO2 fangst kapasitet på henholdsvis 50 og 300 tonn i året, heretter kalt Z50 og Z300 med mål om energiforbruk per kg fanget CO2 på henholdsvis 1,5 og 1,2 kWh. Z50 modulen skal bygges og test-kjøres på NIBIO sitt anlegg på Særheim. Vi er sikre på at hvis forskningen og prosjektet lykkes, vil det bidra til å akselerere bruken av DAC løsninger for både veksthusnæringen og industrien over hele verden—for en bedre fremtid.