SisAl Enhanced aims at giving Norwegian stakeholders access to the knowledge gained in the Horizon 2020 project SisAl Pilot, facilitating an opportunity for actors in the Norwegian community to initiate new relevant research & innovation activities, especially on exploring and exploiting synergies between the Si- and Al industries through a dedicated workshop on Industrial Symbiosis, presentation of a technical paper directly related to industrial opportunities in Norway at the Norwegian conference Silicon for the Chemical and Solar Industry XVI and publish popular science articles in Norwegian media. Most importantly SisAl Enhanced will contribute positively to public acceptance for new sustainable industrial growth in Norway, which is impeccable with respect to key European challenges; the transformation to a circular economy, the strongly enhanced focus on climate and future expected EU-ETS CO2 allowances with associated risk for carbon leakage from Europe. A successful implementation of SisAl Enhanced will improve the opportunity for large-scale industrial investment in new sustainable process industry in Norway.
A workshop titled "industrial symbiosis and circularity - Norwegian opportunists in a European perspective" was organized on April 18 2023 at Elkem's pilot facilities in Kristiansand, Norway. At the workshop
- Daniel Cios from DG grow gave a talk about sustainable production of CRM
- Ola Elvestuen, leder of the energy and environmental committee in the Norwegian parliament gave a talk about the Norwegian perspective on sustainable production
- Christophe Pinck from Eyde-klyingen and the chair of a.spire Committee for Hubs for Circularity talked about the European industrial partnership for sustainable production
- Stine Skagestad from Eyde cluster talked about the mapping of waste streams in Norway that they have been part of together with the Norwegian industry
- Hydro represented by Even Nybakke and Elkem represented by Gro Eide presented their strategies for circular economy and industrial symbiosis
- Randi Synnøve Hegdal from Enova talked about potential opportunities for continuation of successful ideas
During the day a lot of time for discussions and Q&A were set a side. In addition, a lab tour at Elkem Technologies and the slag plant at REC were done to show case the SisAl Pilot activities and future opportunities.
In total 28 people attended the workshop. Most participants came from industry.
During the project life time 1 gemini article title "Green production of silicon is just around the corner" and 1 in TU titled "La mineralene på havbunnen ligge!"
The Horizon 2020 project SisAl Pilot aims to demonstrate a novel industrial process for producing silicon along with alumina, utilising Al scrap and dross as reductant instead of carbon used in today’s industrial process. SisAl represents a path-breaking approach with drastically reduced emissions of CO2 and NOx, SOx and PAH, and a strong contribution to “circularity” through industrial symbiosis where the aluminium industry acts as both a raw material supplier and end user to the silicon industry.
The support project will focus on dissemination and communication through dedicated workshops and related activities, involving industry, NGO's, policy-makers and the research community, as described below.
There will be one workshop dedicated to "Industrial symbiosis - Norwegian silicon and aluminium industries", facilitating an opportunity for actors in the Norwegian community to initiate new relevant research and innovation activities, especially on exploring and exploiting synergies between the Si- and Al industries. This workshop will be followed up by an article in Norwegian media to increase the public awareness for new sustainable industrial growth in Norway.
A technical paper directly related to industrial opportunities in Norway for new sustainable low-emission silicon production will be presented at the Norwegian conference Silicon for the Chemical and Solar Industry XVI (2022).