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CLIMIT-Program for CO2-håndtering

Primary Flow Reference for CCS

Alternative title: Primærstrømreferanse for karbonfangst og -lagring

Awarded: NOK 8.0 mill.

Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is a promising technology to meet climate goals. In the not-so-distant future, industrial carbon capture processes will evolve into assortments of CO2 industrial sites arranged in capture-clusters. The captured CO2 will subsequently be transported to the permanent storage sites via a number of transport solutions, including ships and pipelines. Such intricate transport processes demand reliable custody transfer solutions. Custody transfer for CCS entitles accurate and traceable metering of CO2 for fiscal and commercial purposes. To achieve this, a primary flow reference and traceable metering methods for compressed liquids like CO2 is being developed. PREFERENCE aims to pave the way towards CO2 metering traceability by developing a novel concept for a primary flow reference. To unlock the full potential of metrology for CCS, PREFERENCE brings together key industrial and research players in a consortium aiming for excellence in innovation and research. The project is coordinated by SINTEF Energy Research, who, along with NTNU and KROHNE, will undertake the research activities and educate a PhD student. KROHNE also contributes with know-how and equipment, including loops for testing. Industrial partners Equinor, Total Energies, Gassco, Lundin, and Wintershall will oversee the project and financial support.

Accurate and traceable fiscal metering of CO2 is required to quantify the value of stored CO2 and is thus essential to validate the CCS business model. With full-scale CCS demonstration under development, it is imperative to focus on the widespread deployment of CCS. Upscaling will require the inclusion of industrial clusters and more complex transport networks, which demands reliable custody transfers that include accurate and traceable metering of CO2 for fiscal and commercial purposes. Traceable flow metering must be based on a primary reference. PREFERENCE aims to pave the way toward CO2 metering traceability and progress CO2 metrology. PREFERENCE will investigate the feasibility of a novel concept for a primary flow reference targeting compressed liquids. The project encompasses the development and experimental testing of a prototype, as well as the use of a digital twin to reduce the risk and accelerate the design of a full-scale solution. Successful project execution will position the Norwegian research base at the forefront of CCS metrology and open economic perspectives for the Norwegian industry and society.

Funding scheme:

CLIMIT-Program for CO2-håndtering