Forage crops are raw material for a green biorefinery producing green protein concentrate, fibre rich feeds and other commodities. More knowledge is needed about the feed value of the products and the sustainability of the value chain.
The research project ONETWO aims to evaluate green protein concentrate from pressed forages as feed in the diet of chicken and fibre-rich pulp in the feed ration of dairy cows. We also contribute to technological development by testing novel dewatering methods for products with high water content. Furthermore, we assess sustainability and develop business models for green biorefinery in Norway. To successfully address our ambitions and aims, ONETWO includes experts in forage production, agrotechnology, green biorefinery, and animal and social sciences. NIBIO carries out the project in cooperation with Ruralis -Institute for Rural and Regional Research, Aarhus University, and the industry partners TINE SA, Felleskjøpet Fôrutvikling AS, Norsk Kylling AS, Orkel Direkte AS and Scandi Energy AS. The project utilses NIBIO's pilot plant for green biorefinery, facilities for controlled animal feeding experiments, laboraties for feed evaluation, and various methods used in social science in the development of business models. Expected effects of ONETWO are that green biorefining will come one step closer to industrial implementation. Green biorefinery can contribute to an increased degree of self-sufficiency for feed protein in Norway, with a corresponding reduction in imports of feed protein and higher food security.
Preliminary results from the dairy cow experiment show that ensiled grass pulp gave a slightly lower feed intake, but the same milk yield as regular grass silage. Chemical and statistical analyses will be carried out to verify the observation and to be able to explain any effects. In 2024, protein concentrate was produced from grass at NIBIO's pilot plant for green biorefining and chicken feed with 5%, 10% and 15% grass protein as well as a control feed was produced. Feeding experiments with broiler chicken will be carried out in the autumn of 2024. A field experiments with different forage species and harvest regimes has been harvested four times in 2024. The crop was biorefined on a lab scale. Mass balances will be calculated and the fractions characterised chemically. Grass protein concentrate has been produced using two different methods. Based on interviews in the value chain, three relevant business models have been outlined, the local circular model, the industrial model and the split industrial model. A preliminary evaluation indicates the strengths and weaknesses of the various models. In parallel with the development of business models, life cycle analyses are carried out as part of a doctoral education.
Government documents (LMD 2016, LMD 2020) emphasise the need to increase the proportion of locally produced feed stuffs in the Norwegian livestock production sector to strengthen food security, increase sustainability and develop more climate friendly production. Currently, Norwegian animal husbandry is heavily dependent on imported protein feedstuffs, in particular soy which is associated with deforestation and climate gas emissions. ONETWO aims to evaluate biorefinery of forage as a measure to increase self-sufficiency of feed protein in the Norwegian livestock production sector. Biorefinery technology has recently demonstrated successful industrial separation through mechanical pressing of forage crops into parallel commodities and value chains: 1) a green juice that can be de-watered to Green Protein Concentrate (GPC) suitable for monogastrics and 2) a fibre-rich press residue (pulp) that can be ensiled and is suitable for ruminant livestock. Using an transdisciplinary and participatory approach, involving dedicated researchers and industrial partners from different positions along the value chain, we aim to 1) improve the efficiency of the biorefinery process by applying novel de-watering technology, 2) evaluate GPC and pulp as feed for dairy cows and chicken through in vitro digestibility assessment and feeding experiments, and 3) develop business models for biorefinery of forages in a Norwegian context. To successfully address our ambitions and aims, ONETWO includes experts in forage production, agrotechnology, biorefinery, animal and social sciences. An important impact of ONETWO will be to improve utilisation of Norwegian gras resources by incentifying farmers to maintain grass production areas, despite decreasing ruminant production, and to re-open fallow land. Further, it will contribute to increased share of animal feed ingredients being produced in Norway, with a corresponding reduction in soy import, less dependency on imports and higher food security.