Recycling waste nitrogen into valuable fertilizer is a priority of sustainable and climate-smart agriculture. A major nitrogen loss from agriculture occurs through volatilisation of ammonia (NH3) from animal wastes and composting processes, which contribute to respiratory disease, soil acidification, disruption to ecosystems, and indirect GHG emission. Biochar has been proposed as a way to improve the nitrogen cycle in agriculture, but appropriate technology and functional value chains are lacking. The main objective of AgriCascade is to create a next-generation fertiliser made from capturing polluting agricultural NH3 emissions onto novel high-sorbent biochar produced from wood and forest residues. Cascading effects on pollution abatement, reduced GHG emissions, increased C sequestration and smart fertilization will support an implementable circular solution for the farming sector. The project builds on recent advances made in biochar-activation technology for sorbing NH3, as well as on the development of industrial production capacity for biochar in Norway. In AgriCascade we will: 1) design and characterize novel biochar sorbents, 2) pilot test NH3 capture in lab, industry and farm conditions, 3) design and test a novel fertilizer product using the biochar-captured NH3-N, and 4) analyse the life cycle (LCA) and benefits of the technology in terms of pollution abatement, climate mitigation and economic outcomes, and 5) create venues for implementing the new filter and fertilizer technologies in a wide array of agricultural applications. Abatement in CH4 emissions and increased C storage in soils will be co-benefits. The project will support the transition towards a sustainable circular economy and answer 7 of the UN SDGs.
In 2024, we started testing biochar produced by the Norwegian industry for its capacity to adsorb ammonia on the laboratory scale. We’ve compared methods currently developed in the US and discussed industrial solutions during a visit to Cornell University’s biochar laboratory.
Recycling waste N towards fertilization is a priority of sustainable and climate-smart agriculture. A major N loss from agriculture occurs through ammonia volatilisation from animal wastes and composting processes, contributing to respiratory disease, soil acidification, disruption to ecosystems, and indirect GHG emission. Biochar has been proposed to improve the N cycle in agriculture, but appropriate technology and functional value chains are lacking. The main objective of AgriCascade is to create a next-generation fertiliser made from capturing polluting agricultural NH3 emissions onto novel high-sorbent biochar produced from wood and forest residues. Cascading effects on pollution abatement, reduced GHG emissions, increased C sequestration, and smart fertilization will support an implementable circular solution for the farming sector. The project builds on key recent advances made by the project partners in: NH3 sorption by activated biochars, capacity for industrial production of biochar in Norway, and LCA analysis models for biochar and biochar fertilizers from forest residues in Norway.
AgriCascade will: 1) design and characterize novel biochar sorbents, 2) pilot test NH3 capture in lab, industry and farm conditions, 3) design and test a novel fertilizer product using the biochar-captured NH3-N and 4) document benefits of the value chain through LCA in terms of pollution abatement, climate change mitigation and economic outcomes, and 5) create venues through multi-actor dialog for implementing the new filter and fertilizer technologies in a wide array of agricultural applications. A decrease in CH4 emissions and increased C storage in soils will be co-benefits. The project will support the transition towards a sustainable circular economy and answer six of the UN SDGs.