The reporting year 2023/24 can be characterised as the "year of implementation", in which TANGO-W succeeded in implementing all objectives and deliverables according to plan. The focus was on refining and gradually implementing the experimental F-W-E and UTC objectives and implementation measures for all 7 ULLs, including testing and optimising the new transformative ULL 2.0 format (project architecture with clear cooperation roles and decision-making rules) and the Temporal Stakeholder Architecture as a new transfor-mative planning tool (D2.4). The process and impact monitoring model developed in WP2 was adopted by the ULL actors in supervised CoP dialogues and adapted to their own practical needs by means of suitable objectives and indicators in their own ULL management practice (D4.1). Method-supported practical reflections on the interactions of their own role interpretations with existing system dynamics enabled the development of alternative options for action as well as the definition of new requirements for transformative researchers and civil servants. This lays the foundation for the planned development of a TANGO-W curriculum in 2024 and the TANGO-W webinars (D.6.5).
Work package 2: As planned, deliverable D.2.4 was developed by WP2 in the second reporting period. The aim was to survey traditional and new requirements for civil servants and transformation researchers from the perspective of personnel and organisational development and to identify which new skills are necessary when it comes to dealing with the paradoxes of change from the respective roles as change agents (civil servants, researchers). Accordingly, all the results of tasks 2.2 and 2.3 have been incorporated into the work product of D2.4. The developed guide D2.4 aims to provide civil servants and transformative researchers with comprehensive resources, procedures and tools for an effective and successful implementation of future ULLs 2.0. The objectives were developed in several meetings between SIN, AIT, NR and Climate Kick.
Work package 3: To further deepen the multi-level system learning on UTC in the second reporting period, two f2f CoPs (Stockholm, Alytus) were conducted in 2023/24, focusing on identifying ULL risks and developing TANGO-W-wide standards for the ULL experiments. In addition, at the local level, the to TANGO-W ULLs (Halden, Marker) were supported in their experiments and regional learning processes by 3 supervised online CoPs. At the same time, WP3 further developed the strategic framework of TANGO-W by developing and implementing a ULL process and impact monitoring model, including the definition of practical objectives and indicators per ULL. Overall, the CoPs have proven to be a very effective tool for policy development and learning for the whole consortium and local implementing partners, as well as contributing to reflection and drawing generalisable lessons for replication.
Work package 4: During this reporting period, the research partners and city partners have progressed with ULL implementation and operation (Task 4.1) by conducting several stakeholder workshops within each ULL. In Norway, the ULL in Marker has hosted a visioning workshop as well as several interactive project meetings with the local farmer and elderly home; Halden has also hosted an internal agenda setting workshop with principals and administration, a second vision workshop as a project kick-off with all employees of kindergartens and environmental advisors of the city, and four additional interactive short-Workshops —one with each of the kindergartens. SIN closely supported the ULLs in planning and implementing local workshops, brainstorming engagement methods, and building up road maps for the implementation of the different activities necessary for the achievement of their goals. Halden and Marker have learned that they need to start their work immediately with stakeholders of greatest importance. Marker has learned that the frame of their ULL was initially too broad and requires refocusing on specific targets.
Work package 5: WP5 focusses on diffusion and thus on the necessary parameters for upscaling and replication. One key focus area in this second reporting period was the description of the competence and requirement profiles for UTC officials and transformative researchers in cooperation with WP 2 and the modelling of first, possible concepts for a TANGO-W curriculum. The finalisation of the TANGO-W curriculum will be available at the beginning of 2025 as planned. Another focus in this reporting period was the start of collecting initial reflections on the impact of the implemented ULL results at local level. The collection is to be continued in 2024 and summarised in a policy recommendation in 2025.
The TANGO-W (Transformative cApacity in eNerGy fOod and Water) project is an applied research project that develops urban transformative capacities (UTC) as a novel governance ability at the interface of food, energy and water. TANGO-W follows Wolfram's (2016) capacity building approach, adopting a needs and requirements-based focus on the capacity building priorities of urban stakeholders (Objective 1). At the heart of TANGO-W is the two-level capacity building approach (Objectives 2 & 3). At the urban level, TANGO-W designs and implements Urban Living Labs 2.0 (ULL). At the European level, TANGO-W establishes a transdisciplinary Community of Practice (CoP) as an integrative coordinating transformation system. Both provide the spaces for the development of UTC according to the needs of urban actors in several dimensions (i.e., transformative governance formats, shaping new transformation roles; self-organization, technical skills and tools). At the same time, the ULL and CoP act as novel governance formats at local and EU level to accelerate urban change in a desired, sustainable direction. The activities of TANGO-W result in policy recommendations for replication and upscaling measures as well as in training concepts and pilot courses that support capacity building in TANGO-W fellow cities (Objective 4).