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HAVBRUK2-Stort program for havbruksforskning

ERA-NET: BlueBio- Improvement & innovation of a BIO-secure Recirculating Aquaculture System for SHRIMP & add'l biomass circular production

Alternative title: BlueBio - Forbedring og innovasjon av et BIO-sikkert RAS system for reker og ytterligere sirkulær produksjon av biomasse

Awarded: NOK 3.9 mill.

Increased human populations and increase in wealth in many countries has led to an ever-increasing demand for seafood. To satisfy demand, aquaculture has been developed, so far mostly for fish, particularly salmon and mussels. Aquaculture has a number of environmental challenges, but more enclosed systems with re-use of waste appears to be the best solutions. BIORAS_SHRIMP aims at developing a no-waste system for shrimp production. Highly intensive closed recirculating aquaculture (RAS) and biofloc (BFT) systems will be used, as both are considered eco-friendly and have low or zero-water exchange rates, which improves the efficiency of water use and reduces the risk of introducing pathogens. Furthermore, such systems allow for efficient solid waste removal, and the sludge will thereafter be used as fertiliser. The system will be tested in Italy and in Norway. Norwegian partners will be involved in operating the test facility, evaluate growth performance and product quality and develop operational protocols for culture of freshwater shrimp in Norway (AKVAPLAN-NIVA), and in evaluating and testing the produced sludge as fertiliser (NIBIO). The sludges will be assessed in growth trial in the greenhouse, and the Italian sludge will be assessed in a field trial.

The development of sustainable, productive, climate-neutral and resilient farming systems is, nowadays, an obliged way to provide consumers with affordable, safe, traceable, healthy and sustainable food, while minimizing pressure on ecosystems. The improvement and innovation of land-based integrated multi-trophic aquaculture systems, perfectly goes in this direction since it allows to produce high quality seafood and valuable environmental services. The high demand of shrimp for human consumption has led to rapid expansion of production all over the world. During the last decade, an increasing interest to shrimp culture has arisen also in Europe, due to the increasing demand for freshly harvested, sustainably produced shrimps and to the application of highly intensive closed recirculating aquaculture (RAS) and biofloc (BFT) systems. This project aims to develop and test an innovative bio-secure, land based sustainable shrimp culture model to minimise waste, enhance productivity and recover energy and nutrient for additional biomass production, in view of a circular economy process. The application of the bio-system principles (food first, sustainable yields, cascading approach, circularity and diversity) is at the backbone of the research approach and methodology proposed. The expected results are: Set-up of a clear water RAS for shrimp culture with improved technology and husbandry efficiency; Development and test of a hybrid RAS-BFT farming system; Installation and validation of an innovative RAS effluent treatment system; test and validation of an Artificial Intelligence based water quality monitoring system; Development and test of innovative protocols for effluent solid waste and residual water reuse and valorisation; Exploration of new bioresources deriving from the additional biomass produced. All outcomes have high industrial and commercial impact on several economic sectors while addressing global challenges, making the EU more sustainable and competitive.

Funding scheme:

HAVBRUK2-Stort program for havbruksforskning