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IS-AUR-Samarb.progr. mellom Norge og Frankrike

Exploring and leveraging energy monitoring on End-to-End worst edge-fog-cloud continuum for observatories deployed in extreme environments

Awarded: NOK 0.10 mill.

The monitoring of energy usage is the key to analyze and understand continuum resources usage. This project will be the first step in order to deal with energy efficient infrastructures in terms of hardware and software services. But providing an End-to-End energy monitoring solution remains a real challenge in terms of heterogeneity of resources, frequency and precision of monitoring, profiling reporting (etc). A clear challenge raises here: How to monitor, in an end-to-end manner, a system that is deployed in a scares resource environment? Considering continuum-based solutions to extreme climate conditions challenges current solutions. Continuum-based solutions need to be explored in worst conditions in terms of availability of network, energy, resilience, data access. The challenges that we want to address in this aurora project are how to (i) provide the needed mechanisms to reproduce the characteristics of extreme environments with an in-lab testbed (ii) provide an end-to-end energy monitoring of considered worst continuum infrastructure, (iii) discover the most impactful energy leverages to sustain observations and monitoring (iv) deploy a proof of concept (simulated and really implemented) that validates the abstraction, architecture, design and implementation choices. The aim of this collaboration is to (i) explore a best effort end-to-end energy monitoring system for a worst-case continuum, (ii) discuss a long-term infrastructure continuum for the edge, (iii) design an experimental validation of usable energy leverages at the edge.

Funding scheme:

IS-AUR-Samarb.progr. mellom Norge og Frankrike