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IS-AUR-Samarb.progr. mellom Norge og Frankrike

Aurora Mobility Program - Methodological approaches to drug use in observational studies

Awarded: NOK 0.10 mill.

An interdisciplinary cooperation between UiT and Université Paris Cité on the statistical analysis of epidemiological data was initiated in the 1990s by professors emeriti Jean-Christophe Thalabard and Eiliv Lund. This long standing, “first generation” collaboration was organized through the co-supervision of several post-docs, PhDs and master students and led to a rich record of publication and grant applications. In this Aurora project, we aim to further expand an already established collaboration between the two institutions. The overall goal of our interdisciplinary French-Norwegian collaboration is to tackle epidemiological and pharmacoepidemiological questions around the diverse effects of prescription drug use, using recent methodological tools from statistics and machine learning. In the long term, we aim for EU funding. In the shorter term, we will seek funding for three PhD projects and a researcher project with mutual supervision responsibilities. The Aurora grant will fund missions to make progress towards these goals. Topics of the PhD projects will be in the fields of (A) drug use and risk of cancer, (B) the use of formal causal analysis for observational studies, and (C) synthetic discovery of drug combinations associated with adverse events using computational statistics. The researcher project will be within topic A and B. We plan to use data from the Norwegian Women and Cancer study and French E3N cohort. We plan to have two one-week long workshops; in spring 2023 at UiT and in spring 2024 at University of Paris. During the first worskhop, we plan to finalize the aims of the three PhD and researcher project applications, discuss methodological approaches, and delegate writing responsibilities. During the second workshop, we plan to finalize the three PhD applications and researcher project. We will further discuss and establish the outline of the planned EU application and work on the methods that will be used in the EU application.

Funding scheme:

IS-AUR-Samarb.progr. mellom Norge og Frankrike