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IS-AUR-Samarb.progr. mellom Norge og Frankrike

Impact of Diving on Vascular Health

Awarded: NOK 94,000

Diving exposes the human body to physical stress that initiate a range of phyiological and biochemical responses. Much of the maritime and marine industry still completely rely on diving and will so for many years ahead. It is therefore key to understand possible negative health effects of this occupation and act to minimize this. In this project, diving medicine research groups in Brest, France (Université de Brettagne Occidentale) and Bergen, Norway (Haukeland University Hospital and University of Bergen) will formalize a collaboration that will greatly benefit both groups. The focus of the project is vascular responses to diving-related stress and impact on vascular health. Through this collaboration, the two research groups will have access to highly complementary methodologies, allowing mechanistic studies at the level of molecules, pathways and cells, up to physiology and epidemiology. The project will involve exchange of methodological skills, planning of collaborative experiments and analysis, and expected co-publications. Two PhD students will be involved in the project and this will greatly improve their methodological skills and international networking. The project will include two travels to France from Norway and one travel to Norway from France.

Funding scheme:

IS-AUR-Samarb.progr. mellom Norge og Frankrike