Over the years, DigiDecom brought together a multidisciplinary international community for discussing experience from earlier applications, as well as opportunities for future applications of innovative technologies and methods in nuclear decommissioning, dismantling and waste management. Collaboration and cooperation offer benefits for knowledge sharing, harmonisation and education and training. DigiDecom has become a preferred choice for people specifically interested in nuclear decommissioning as an area of application, small scale workshops including open discussions and with specific interest in digital transformation.
This year as well we are arranging the workshop within our designated IAEA Collaborating Centre and with other collaborating partners. DigiDecom 2022 this year is also collaborating with the DECOM Cluster for Decommissioning and Repurposing, to explore collaboration opportunities within AI, Data and Robotics across industries and domains.
The event will take place October 18th – 20th in Halden, Norway. We have quite an eventful program, a teaser for the program is available on our registration site. Speakers will have the opportunity to deliver brief in-person presentations PLUS optional pre-recorded speeches and/or more extended slides via the Atomondo hub. In our program, we have included most of the current or recent international initiatives addressing AI, Data and Robotics for the nuclear, such as EURATOM PLEIADES, SHARE, PREDIS, HARPERS projects, or EGRRS of NEA and IAEA new initiatives on emerging technologies. We will also have a Young generation session and company pitches from our sponsors.