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KLIMAFORSK-Stort program klima

Climate Crisis: Think global, act local

Awarded: NOK 0

To limit the rise in global temperature within 2°C, as highlighted in the Paris Agreement, countries must cut 30 gigatons of greenhouse gases GHG emissions annually by 2030 (UNEP). Scaling up green transition efforts and reducing GHG emissions tenfold is crucial. The seminar aims to educate industry leaders and decision-makers by providing a blueprint for the 2050 net-zero emissions goal. Participants from research institutions, businesses, and the public sector will collaborate on developing sustainable business solutions and explore methods to measure progress. With a strategic focus on the three pillars of the ecosystem (land, water, and air), the seminar will elaborate on short- and long-term goals required to transform Norway’s Climate Action Plan into local measures. Active participation from the business community and public sector is crucial to fulfilling the seminar objectives. Owing to the digital format of the event, attracting relevant professionals is a challenge. Moreover, content coverage is another aspect that needs special attention. Specialized content will make it difficult for participants to digest and interpret the information. On the flipside, if it is kept too generic, participants will not be able to devise targeted solutions. It is essential for speakers to strike the right balance between the breadth and depth of their presentation content. There are two ways in which the pitfalls can be avoided. Firstly, participants should receive preparatory material in advance. This would ensure that everyone has a foundational understanding about the topic. It will also enhance their engagement and promote critical thinking during the seminar. Secondly, speakers (researchers) should focus on the practicality of their research. By using real-life scenarios and business cases, participants can resonate more with the topic under discussion.

Funding scheme:

KLIMAFORSK-Stort program klima