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FRIPRO-Fri prosjektstøtte

Komparativrettslige bidrag til løsning av regulatoriske samtidsutfordringer. Etablering av nordisk nettverk for komparativ rett.

Alternative title: Comparative legal contributions to the solution of contemporary regulatory challenges. Establishment of a Nordic network in comparative law.

Awarded: NOK 0.89 mill.

Project Number:


Project Period:

2023 - 2027

Funding received from:


With colleagues from other countries, the project will examine how regulation may be designed to be responsive to abrupt changes in society, such as technological advancements, outbreaks of disease, international cooperation or geopolitics. The regulatory framework must maintain the legitimacy and predictability of the law, but at the same time, the rules must be flexible when faced with sudden changes. In addition to a regulatory framework, civil and criminal liability must also be regulated. Different from before, regulatory needs are in flux due to rapid technological advancements, innovation in the green shift, global events etc. Thus regulations must be designed to suit a multitude of different situations, even situations we cannot foresee. These challenges are not unique to Norway. Other countries face many similar situations. Learning from each other will be a distinct advantage, but different legislative traditions mean that legal solutions adopted by other countries cannot necessarily be transplanted directly into Norwegian law. Similar traditions regarding legislative techniques and statutory interpretation make our closest neighbours Denmark, Sweden and Finland best suited as inspiration when the Norwegian legislator seeks good solutions to similar problems. The project will contribute to a basis for new policy in both public law and private law. By selecting current legal challenges and investigating how these have been handled in our neighboring countries, important societal issues may be solved through new knowledge. To facilitate the exchange of knowledge and productive meetings of researchers, we aim to create a Nordic network for comparative law. This year, we have worked on the foundation for the network by participating with two presentations at the international conference on comparative law, Nordic Legal Culture: Myth or Reality, at the University of Bergen on June 1st and 2nd. Members of the research group also participated in a meeting held the day before the conference, organized by the Norwegian Association of Comparative Law (two members of the research group are board members of the association). The work on the Nordic network is being followed up in December with a two-day roundtable discussion at the University of Agder on the teaching of comparative law in Norway, where those responsible for comparative law at various Norwegian institutions have been invited. Immediately after the event, an extraordinary meeting of the Norwegian Association of Comparative Law. The next scientific event is an international conference at UiA, planned for June 2024, followed by an anthology where we will compare the countries' approaches to common challenges. The collaboration will continue in the coming years with participation in network meetings in the Nordic region."

Forskergruppen for komparativ rett ved Universitetet i Agder arbeider både innen offentlig- og privatrett. I regulatorisk utvikling spiller komparativ rett en stor rolle. Gjennom å stille funksjonelle spørsmål, hvor det er samfunnsutfordringene som danner grunnlaget for sammenlikning, er det mulig å kunne belyse hvordan ulike jurisdiksjoner finner ulike løsninger på samme problem og gjennomføre en vurdering av disse løsningene. Vurderingen vil kunne danne grunnlag for hvordan løsningene kan overføres til andre rettssystemer. Det er en lang tradisjon for samarbeid i de nordiske landene, og likhetstrekkene mellom våre rettssystem gir et godt utgangspunkt for komparative analyser med potensielt stor nytteverdi. Forskergruppen søker om midler til å opprette et nordisk nettverk for komparativ rett, tilhørende nettverksaktiviteter og gjennomføring av en internasjonal konferanse med fokus på dagsaktuelle komparativrettslige tema med tilhørende bok/antologi. Handlingsplan for likestilling (GEP) finnes her:

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Funding scheme:

FRIPRO-Fri prosjektstøtte

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