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HESTEFORSK - Forage as a local produced protein and energy feed for horses

Alternative title: Grovfôr som et lokalprodusert protein- og energirikt fôr til hester

Awarded: NOK 2.0 mill.

The amount of roughage and nutrient content greatly affects the behavior, health, and disease of horses. Roughage for horses consists almost exclusively of grass, and legumes are rarely used. The purpose of the project is to generate high-quality scientific knowledge with significant practical use for the horse industry in the Nordic countries about the protein and energy value of grass and legumes for horses. The project consists of three work packages, and most activities in 2024 are in work package 1 and 2. The experiment in work package 1 (Digestive and metabolic responses to legumes) was carried out in 2024, as planned. The experimental fields, which were successfully established in 2023, have been used in work package 2 (Nutritive and antinutritive value of legumes) in 2024. Samples have been harvested in the summer and are now being analyzed.

The project is organsied into three work packages: Work package 1: Digestive and metabolic responses to legumes The digestibility of crude protein from different forage sources is largely unknown in horses, and there is a lack of consistency and transparency in feed evaluation systems for horses. In vitro systems have attained more focus in recent years, but no standardised protocols exist for horse feeds. This study will measure both in vivo, in vitro and in sacco digestibility; hence it will be possible to compare the results and validate the in vitro techniques. The aim is to investigate the digestive (pre-caecal, hindgut and total tract digestibility, hindgut pH, short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) and microbiota) and metabolic responses (plasma glucose, insulin, and amino acid profile) when feeding legume rich forages. Furthermore, we want to validate in sacco and in vitro measurements and develop new standards for evaluating forages typical for Norway and Sweden. Work package 2: Nutritive and antinutritive value of legumes Forage legumes as a protein source for horses is of high interest, as forage legumes have higher protein content compared to grasses and they can potentially compensate for the low content of protein in late harvested grass. However, some legumes might contain antinutritive factors limiting the extent at which legumes can be used in horses feeding. The aim is to investigate a selection of different legume forage species, in respect to their nutritive and anti-nutritive value for horses. Work package 3: Dissemination of results - Science into practice There is a lack of consistency and transparency in feed evaluation systems for horses in the Nordic countries, and this is confusing for the feed industry and horse owners. This highlights the need for bringing science into practice. Therefore, the project’s benefits for the horse industry and horse welfare will be highlighted in its own work package.

Funding scheme:
