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TRANSPORT-Transport 2025

Resilience and Reliability Improvement of CORS Network Based Services for Automated and Autonomous Transportation Operations

Alternative title: Resiliens og pålitelighet av CORS-baserte korreksjonstjenester for automatiserte og autonome transportoperasjoner

Awarded: NOK 10.0 mill.

Driven by explosive growth in mass-market applications, such as road/marine/air vehicle autonomy, GNSS correction services must adapt quickly to meet the evolving user requirements and needs. Many existing transportation operations benefit from high precision correction services supporting dm level accuracy (automated driving, automatic train operations and control, traffic management, etc.), and the number of users is expected to grow due to increased automation and evolution of autonomy. While this very high accuracy is a fundamental performance requirement, for safety critical transportation applications using GNSS correction services for positioning, service resilience, availability and reliability are of much higher concern. During the past several years, to support the growing number of users and evolving applications the CORS network density in Norway has been gradually increasing along the critical railway lines, busy ports, and core metropolitan areas to enhance the performance of the correction services in these areas. The occurrence rate of harmful interference targeting GNSS signals is highest in such environments which increases the risk of reference stations and/or correction service users being impacted. CORS network performance and measurement quality monitoring is carried out hourly and daily but is limited in the context of RFI. The evolving new applications also depend on diagnostics in cases when performance is out of tolerance, which is of particular importance where the utilized GNSS receivers have no or very limited indicators of disruption or user alerts. There is currently no service or infrastructure component providing fault reporting and analysis for such users/applications. The objective of this project is to increase the resilience and reliability of CORS infrastructure based positioning services and enhance the network capabilities to alert itself, its users and authorities of interference faults. The recent project activities include: • Site selection for port and inland waterway GNSS RFI monitoring. Deployment of the Port of Moss monitoring station covering both the local ferry service and autonomous vessel docking areas. • Design and implementation of a multi-constellation, multi-frequency, multi-receiver RFI simulation framework and system. • Production of RFI impact data sets mapping consequences over the parameter space and interference types extracted from a comprehensive international RFI event database. • Generation of combined GNSS RFI and ionospheric scintillation simulation scenarios to support algorithm development for fault detection isolation.

Driven by explosive growth in mass-market applications, such as road/marine/air vehicle autonomy, GNSS correction services must adapt quickly to meet the evolving user requirements and needs. Many existing transportation operations benefit from high precision correction services supporting dm level accuracy (automated driving, automatic train operations and control, traffic management, etc.), and the number of users is expected to grow due to increased automation and evolution of autonomy. While this very high accuracy is a fundamental performance requirement, for safety critical transportation applications using GNSS correction services for positioning, service resilience, availability and reliability are of much higher concern. During the past several years, to support the growing number of users and evolving applications the CORS network density in Norway has been gradually increasing along the critical railway lines, busy ports, and core metropolitan areas to enhance the performance of the correction services in these areas. The occurrence rate of harmful interference targeting GNSS signals is highest in such environments which increases the risk of reference stations and/or correction service users being impacted. CORS network performance and measurement quality monitoring is carried out hourly and daily but is limited in the context of RFI. The evolving new applications also depend on diagnostics in cases when performance is out of tolerance, which is of particular importance where the utilized GNSS receivers have no or very limited indicators of disruption or user alerts. There is currently no service or infrastructure component providing fault reporting and analysis for such users/applications. The objective of this project is to increase the resilience and reliability of CORS infrastructure based positioning services and enhance the network capabilities to alert itself, its users and authorities of interference faults.

Publications from Cristin

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TRANSPORT-Transport 2025