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DEMO2000-Prosjektrettet teknologiutv. petroleumsvirksomhet

Demonstrate and test a new Compact Once Through Steam Generator (COTSG) as a core component of offshore Combined Cycle Power Plants (CCPP).

Alternative title: Demonstrasjon av lettvekts Once Through Steam Generator (OTSG) for bruk i offshore Combined Cycles.

Awarded: NOK 12.0 mill.

Project Manager:

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Project Period:

2024 - 2026



Techouse AS is currently having significant success in implementing gas turbine combined cycle solutions on offshore installations which result in 22-25% reduction in CO2-emission compared to conventional gas turbine solutions. The combined cycle is a heat and power solution where heat from the exhaust of the gas turbines is used to generate pressurized superheated steam. The steam is used to produce more power in a steam turbine. The power output is increased with 30-33% or the required power is produced with 22-25% less fuel consumption than the conventional solution where only gas turbines are used. The system also provides heat to process heat. The challenge with such solutions is the weight and size of the heat recovery equipment, so called Once Through Steam Generators (OTSGs), that generates steam from the gas turbine exhaust. In the DEMO project a lightweight OTSG will be built and tested to prove the feasibility of building a robust lightweight OTSG. Important tests will be performed with respect to performance, vibrations and fatigue. The target is to achieve a 40-50% reduction of weight and a 10-15% reduction in footprint.

Demo COTSG will test a Compact Once Through Steam Generator (COTSG). A conventional OTSG represents a core component of a Combined Cycle Power Plants (CCPP). CCPP increases power plant efficiency up to 33% and consequently reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) by 25%. Use of CCPP will also considerably reduce emissions of pollutant gases. The basic technology of combined cycle implementation in the O&G offshore market started in the nineties with a few units. A few new systems have been installed in recent years, but since the footprint and weight have not changed significantly, this is still a major problem that reduces use considerably. Techouse AS' COTSG is new in the sense that it will significantly reduce weight and footprint of the units and as such make the CCPP technology more applicable and attractive. Demo COTSG most critical challenges will be to - find, develop and validate material qualities, designs and component specifications - design for vibration control - Thermal fatigue as a function of gas turbine load cycling - identify and solve potential design limitations - validate thermal design correlations - identify operating conditions with respect to design considering weight and power generation. The Demo COTSG project will validate through pilot testing, the new compact technology operation ability and reliability in order to ensure and enable safe and timely deployment in brownfield and greenfield oil and gas installations. Demo COTSG will contribute to reaching 2030 and 2050 environmental goals and will also strengthen Norway’s position as a provider of efficient and environmentally conscious technology.

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DEMO2000-Prosjektrettet teknologiutv. petroleumsvirksomhet