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GoFec - Rapid detection of E.coli

Awarded: NOK 0.50 mill.

Project Number:


Project Period:

2023 - 2025

Funding received from:


Subject Fields:

GoFec represents a novel system that enables rapid field testing of water in both developing and developed countries. GoFec is a test system for on-line detection of Echerichia coli (E. coli). GoFec can can provide an answer within 8 to 24 hours compared to 24-48 hours for the traditional filtration-based methods. GoFec’s major advantage over exciting solutions is in being a fast-screening method for the presence of E. coli in a water sample, and hence, reducing the need of sending all water samples to a professional lab for cultivation and expert evaluation. According to the UN sustainability Goal 6 “Access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene is the most basic human need for health and well-being.” Due to rapid population growth, urbanization and need for clean water in agriculture and industry the demand for clean water will increase in the years to come. Initial insight interviews have revealed that GoFec, due to its low cost, easy use, and rapid detection, can play a difference in the following problem areas i) Clean drinking water; ii) Clean bathing water; iii) monitoring of water ways subject to sewage leakage. In summary, GoFec is a fast and simple screening method that will enable more frequent water samples due to reduced labor and hardware costs, in addition the data can be transmitted to a central reading unit, allowing for a clear and simple overview of current state in all waterbodies in an area. The goal of this qualification project is to identify a beachhead market for the GoFec technology by i) Achieve deeper insight on the three identified market segments; ii) Establish proof-of-concept for user-oriented requirements identified through the insight.

Prosjektet har videreutviklet og forbedret en prototype, som kan detektere E-coli forurensing i løpet av 8 timer. Markedssegmentet består av store internasjonale organisasjoner, som WHO og Unicef, og til sammen ca 650 hjelpeorganisasjoner. Videre har vi gjennom prosjektet avdekket at dagens konkurrenter består av to typer utstyr, som begge har betydelige ulemper. Enten er de kompliserte å bruke i felt, eller så gir de ikke ønsket nøyaktighet. GoFec har potensial til å bli akkurat det markedet mangler – et måleutstyr som BÅDE er nøyaktig OG enkelt å bruke. En stor norsk nødhjelpsorganisasjon har anerkjent dette potensialet og ønsker å være med å teste GoFec under faktisk bruk i utviklingsland og dermed bidra til å utvikle konseptet videre.

Funding scheme: