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IKTPLUSS-IKT og digital innovasjon


Alternative title: All2GaN

Awarded: NOK 4.3 mill.

This is a new EU project with Infineon in the driver seat together with 40 other companies from research level to R&D, reliability and application. Project length is 3 years starting 1’th of May 2023. Main focus is to integrate driver into the GaN transistor . Integrated isolated driver which can run from 5V input signals. Thermal protection Current limitation and protection Turning on GaN transistor during freewheeling/diode operation. Integrated isolated driver which can run from 5V input signals or optional separate isolated driver. Overall goal is; Ensure reliable operation. Cost effective operation Project is divide into 7 WP (work package) and Eltek in application WP6. Eltek will work on 1000W low cost/high efficiency rectifier and 3kW rectifier to Delta.

Advance the methods to evaluate and optimize reliability and robustness of GaN components, modules, and systems for shortest time-tomarket and maximum product availability at the end user O7: Demonstrate highest affordable performance for greener power electronics and RF applications O8: Road-mapping for the future GaN technology development and applications to support long-term exploitation/ business cases and European leadership beyond ALL2GaN. The collaboration in ALL2GaN is based on a work package structure covering activities on novel power- and RF-GaN technologiesfor various voltage classes, latest packaging technologies, research on reliability and demonstration in 11 Use Cases.

Funding scheme:

IKTPLUSS-IKT og digital innovasjon