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Maximized wireless power transmission under variable conditions

Awarded: NOK 0.47 mill.

One of the main challenges and limitations of today's modern technology and electronic devices is the power supply systems which that are mostly operating through cables. Short-range wireless power transfer (in English 'wireless power transfer', WPT) is already found in products such as mobile phones and small appliances. The main challenge, however, is long- and medium-distance WPT, which is still at the research stage. Finding a good solution for this will open up new markets and pave the way for the development of new products. The University of South-Eastern Norway, at the Department for Microsystems, has developed PowerMax, technology that makes it possible to maintain efficient wireless power transmission despite varying distances between transmitter and receiver. The invention is patented in Norway, and entered in Europe and the USA. PowerMax is particularly useful for products that work in variable conditions such as severe weather or where misalignment during charging is a problem. We therefore consider small electric lesure vessels as a first market for PowerMax. In this project have demonstrated the technology through a model boat prototype (TRL4).

Prosjektet har oppnådd: - Demonstrasjon av PowerMax i relevant miljø og bedre innsikt i mulige formål og bruksområder - Økt forståelse av markedet og konkurranse - Det ble definert en optimal IPR-strategi, og business case - Det ble etablert dialog med industri i regionen Prosjektet har styrket USNs innovasjonsaktiviteter på energioverføring og maritime applikasjoner, ved USN Innovasjonssenteret som en viktig ressurs for videreutvikling av teknologi. På sikt kan PowerMax gi en ny trådløs, tryggere og rimeligere løsning for lading av småbåter, og muligens andre andre forbrukerområder.

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