Om prosjektsøknaden (hentet fra utkast til tekst for WP 2:
The objective of WP 2 is to develop a user centered, multi actor structure (Living Lab) for precise soil health management in a set of diverse plots with varying soil health challenges in Innlandet. The project will co-create an open platform that allows agricultural stakeholders to share data on soil structure, biota and organic content, and devise best-practices that can be deployed by farmers. As such, the workpackage will utilize precision tools and methods for farmers to improve soil quality and biota, reduce soil compaction and net soil sealing by linking known and new agronomic solutions with sensor technology, thus developing new soil knowledge, practices, and policies.
The WP is centered around a regional “soil rescue plan”, targeting three intervention areas: (1) precision observation of soil health combining exiting and new soil and field mapping methods, 2) preventing soil degradation and enhance soil health through sustainable farming practices and (3) rehabilitate and recycle degraded soils and restore soil functionality through targeted interventions and soil restoration.