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IS-AUR-Samarb.progr. mellom Norge og Frankrike

Collaboration On Nature-based solutions Performance Assessment

Awarded: NOK 0

The implementation of Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) is envisioned as a key step toward building more resilient and sustainable cities, because of the multiple benefits NBS can provide (e.g., urban flood, heat and drought mitigation, biodiversity restoration, recreation, etc.). Recent research both at NTNU and INSA focussed on design, modelling, and monitoring of NBS. However, the transition toward urban resilience requires the co-existence of NBS with traditional sewer networks as hybrid “green-grey” systems, with a particular attention to asset management and their maintenance. Indeed, the successful implementation of NBS is being slowed down by the lack of knowledge on their long-term performances. The CONPASS projects aims at studying NBS in the frame of asset management, by targeting: (i) uncertainty regarding the long-term behaviour of these solutions, (ii) effect of lack of maintenance and climate change on their performance, and (iii) ignorance of their practical effectiveness and co-benefits as a barrier to their adoption. The CONPASS project will strengthen the collaboration between NTNU and INSA both in short- and long-term actions. Both partners will share their long-term expertise on NBS (in terms of design, modelling, performance assessment and long-term monitoring) through guest lectures, and MSc and PhD exchange which will also serve ongoing R&D projects at partner institutions. In a longer-term academic collaboration, CONPASS will aim at the elaboration of a proposal for Horizon Europe calls, benefiting from both partner’s competences in NBS and asset management. In particular, it will help to put in common competences, monitoring practices and several long-term NBS datasets which are needed to address the aforementioned barrier to successful implementation of NBS.

Funding scheme:

IS-AUR-Samarb.progr. mellom Norge og Frankrike