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SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Hornsund’s and Storfjorden DOM Data Acquisition Campaign and Virtual Field Guide Development for Educational Research. RiS ID - 12339

Awarded: NOK 0.12 mill.

This project aim to perform a systematic digitalization of eastern Spitsbergen coast, due to its excellent cretaceous sediments' exposures, and western Barentsøya-Edgeøya for their important HALIP exposures. Collecting these types of data from Hornsund’s and Storfjorden’s surroundings can provide a digital window into these parts of Svalbard, support research planning, work, access, and the generation of knowledge. At southern and eastern Spitsbergen coast, the various outcrop locations will be reached by hiking. We will use the Ocean-B vessel with a dual purpose for our fieldwork, acting as both a means of transportation and accommodation. The acquired dataset will be used to develop Virtual Field Guides as a preparation tool prior and post fieldwork activities in Arctic Geology and Arctic Geophysics courses at UNIS. The virtual field guides use Digital Outcrop Models (DOM), and 360 spheric panorama images that are being collected all across Svalbard locations.

Funding scheme:

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum