The UKRAINETT PLUS network expands the scope of an already established cross-disciplinary Norwegian network for research on Ukraine, UKRAINETT. It establishes and strengthens formalised collaboration with Ukraine-based research institutions and individual researchers as well as with Ukrainian researchers in Norway.
The project consists of five work packages:
WP1 Coordination of UKRAINETT PLUS
This WP consists of the day-to-day coordination of the network and the organisation of a set of activities in Norway and online. It includes maintenance of the network webpage and a Facebook page with updates and information about network activities. The coordinating team will publish a newsletter in Norwegian with updates of coming and past activities, publications and other relevant information. It will facilitate a minimum of 3 - 4 hybrid or digital seminars a year with dissemination of research from Norwegian, Ukrainian and potentially other international scholars.
WP2 Annual UKRAINETT PLUS conference
Three two-day academic research conferences with participation from both Norway and Ukraine are planned during the project period at three universities in different parts of Norway.
WP3 UKRAINETT PLUS Activities in Ukraine
This WP involves the creation and ongoing management of a Ukrainian network branch comprising research institutions and individual scholars in Ukraine, serving as the 'PLUS' component within the UKRAINETT PLUS acronym.
WP4 Support to initiatives for joint project applications
This work package seeks to stimulate the development of joint Norwegian-Ukrainian project proposals to national and international funding agencies by providing small-scale funding for preparing such proposals.
WP5 Round tables with policy makers
This WP consists of a series of round tables with representatives from ministries, Norad and other stakeholders engaged in Ukraine’s rebuilding efforts. Such roundtables will be organized every 6 months during the project period.