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FMETEKN-FME teknologi

FME BATTERY - Next generation and improved circular sustainable battery technology value chain

Alternative title: FME BATTERY - Neste generasjon og forbedret sirkulær, bærekraftig verdikjede for batteriteknologi

Awarded: NOK 160.0 mill.

FME BATTERY: Next generation and improved circular sustainable battery technology value chain FME BATTERY is a research center uniting key stakeholders from the Norwegian battery value chain to promote sustainability, drive innovation, and generate long-term impact. It includes five universities, three research institutes, and thirty-five businesses, ensuring a comprehensive approach to research and innovation. Mission and Vision: FME BATTERY aims to accelerate the development of a sustainable and circular battery value chain in Norway. By uniting academia, research institutes, and industry, the center fosters excellence in research and innovation, aligning with Norwegian and European climate goals for 2030 and 2050. Scope of Research: Covering the entire battery value chain, from recycling and material development to cell manufacturing, diagnostics, and systems integration, FME BATTERY adopts an interdisciplinary approach to ensure sustainability ahead. Digital tools enhance innovation and education, supporting the battery industry’s growth. Innovation and Education: Committed to developing and disseminating new knowledge, technology, and methods through research-based education, FME BATTERY aims to educate a new generation of experts, including PhD candidates, postdoctoral researchers, and master’s students. The center facilitates the transition from academic research to commercial innovation. Strategic Positioning: FME BATTERY harnesses ongoing research, builds competence, and fosters innovation potential. By focusing on new innovations and long-term research output, it supports the expanding battery value chain and contributes to a sustainable energy future. Stakeholders are invited to join in achieving a sustainable and innovative future for the battery industry

FME BATTERY represents a collaborative initiative where key stakeholders of the Norwegian battery value chain are brought together. The centre focus is devoted to sustainability, innovation, and generating long-term output as such. A robust network of contributing partners has been assembled, including 5 universities, 3 research institutes, and 35 businesses. Serving as a central hub for numerous ongoing and future research and innovation projects in Norway, FME BATTERY aims at holistic high standard of excellence in research and innovation. Achieving the Norwegian and European climate emission goals for 2030 and 2050 is reflected in the inclusive approach adopted by the consortium. This approach involves key research and innovation actors in Norway and extends to European research partners through FME BATTERY and other funded projects. The battery value chain at FME BATTERY is comprehensive; covering recycling, material development, cell manufacturing, cell diagnostics and systems integration. An interdisciplinary research approach is adopted to ensure sustainability across this circular value chain. Digital tools are leveraged via innovation and education as well. Energi21 and RCN portfolio plan identify batteries as a pivotal technology for transitioning to a renewable energy-driven economy. With the battery value chain currently experiencing exponential growth—doubling every three years—support for this growth through a holistic center like FME BATTERY is deemed crucial. The planned giga battery factories in Norway alone, as an example, are estimated to generate turnover equivalent to half of the typical export value of oil and gas from Norway (300-400 BNOK/yr). FME BATTERY is positioned to harness ongoing research, competence building, innovation potential, and long-term research output for this rapidly expanding value chain. The goal is to foster new innovation and create impactful, lasting research that will drive the future of the battery industry.

Funding scheme:

FMETEKN-FME teknologi

Thematic Areas and Topics

Avanserte produksjonsprosesserBruk av avansert produksjonsteknologi (ny fra 2015)LTP3 Hav og kystInternasjonaliseringInternasjonalt prosjektsamarbeidInternasjonaliseringMaterialteknologiLTP3 Havteknologi og maritim innovasjonMaritimPortefølje Klima og miljøNanoteknologi/avanserte materialerMaritimKlima- og miljøvennlig maritim virksomhetLTP3 Nano-, bioteknologi og teknologikonvergensDigitalisering og bruk av IKTNanoteknologi/avanserte materialerAvanserte materialerLTP3 Klima, polar og miljøLTP3 Fagmiljøer og talenterLTP3 IKT og digital transformasjonGrunnforskningSirkulær økonomiPortefølje Muliggjørende teknologierBransjer og næringerProsess- og foredlingsindustriLavutslippAvanserte produksjonsprosesserBransjer og næringerKlimarelevant forskningLTP3 Et kunnskapsintensivt næringsliv i hele landetDigitalisering og bruk av IKTPrivat sektorBransjer og næringerEnergi - NæringsområdeKutt i utslipp av klimagasserPortefølje ForskningssystemetIKT forskningsområdeLTP3 Klima, miljø og energiLTP3 Bærekraftige byregioner og transportsystemerPortefølje InnovasjonIKT forskningsområdeKunstig intelligens, maskinlæring og dataanalyseLTP3 Miljøvennlig energi og lavutslippsløsningerPolitikk- og forvaltningsområderMiljøvennlig energiAnvendt forskningPolitikk- og forvaltningsområderEnergi - Politikk og forvaltningPolitikk- og forvaltningsområderNæring og handelPortefølje Energi og transportLTP3 Høy kvalitet og tilgjengelighetTransport og mobilitetLTP3 Muliggjørende og industrielle teknologierLTP3 Styrket konkurransekraft og innovasjonsevneMiljøvennlig energiEnergibruk i transport, batteri/el