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End-to-End Green House Gas (GHG) Monitoring Service

Awarded: NOK 0.48 mill.

Climate warming is driven by increased concentrations of greenhouse gasses (GHGs) e.g., CO2 and CH4, in the atmosphere. Existing observatories are able to capture GHG information for large-scale global assessments, but short-term natural variability and climate-driven changes in atmospheric CO2 and CH4 remain less known. There is also currently a lack of sufficiently precise, autonomous, and cost-efficient GHG sensors for GHG monitoring at sufficient spatial scale, and in hard-to-reach areas. MISO, a Horizon Europe funded project, comes at the front of these challenges by developing low-cost, self-contained devices capable of robust data acquisition and analysis of the emissions in harsh conditions. The NFR qualification project, GAMOS, has explored the market potential and identified areas to improve in MISO's technology by contacting end-users and organizing technical meetings. The commercialization of MISO's results is now clearer and its products have potential for actual implementation in the near future.

Outcomes: The GAMOS project enabled us to establish the pre-commercial phase to exploit research results from the public-funded project MISO for commercialization purpose, through: 1) potential technology verification: we have identified areas of our technology to be improved, such as cost-effective plug-and-play devices for GHG monitoring and AI-based models for estimating emissions in locations uncovered by the sensors. 2) active dialogue with market players and potential financiers: we have established a strong user network and potential customers for MISO's technology to identify and understand their needs. Impact: The GAMOS project has helped in advancing the practical application and commercialization of MISO's technology by: 1) expanding market access by connecting with potential customers, which will create a broader adoption of MISO's innovative greenhouse gas monitoring solutions. 2) identifying key areas for improvement in MISO's technology and ensuring it meets the demands of end-users and remains competitive in the market. Making MISO's products more competitive and effective will contribute to improving the accuracy of emission estimations and forecasts which will raise awareness of environmental crisis and help stakeholders make the right decisions.

Funding scheme: