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SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

An Arctic Coastal Biodiversity Observation Network (ARC-BON) development workshop

Alternative title: En Arctic Coastal Biodiversity Observation Network (ARC-BON) utviklingsworkshop

Awarded: NOK 0

Due to intensified climate warming, the Arctic coasts are rapidly eroding, and the run-off from glaciers and rivers are increasing. Impacts of climate change on land and in the ocean combine in the coastal zone and result in a complex and rapidly changing environment. However, the impacts of this change on coastal biodiversity and ecosystem structure remain largely unknown. To close this knowledge gap, we propose to coordinate a network of coastal ecology research groups working across the Arctic with the specific aim of coordinating existing research on coastal biodiversity: The Arctic Coastal Biodiversity Observation Network (ARC-BON). ARC-BON was loosely organized in 2024 with conspicuous lack of involvement from the Svalbard community. The workshop proposed here will integrate the Svalbard reserach community into ARC-BON and put their work in the developing pan-Arctic context. At the workshop we will plan the first data synthesis on pan-Arctic intertidal biodiversity and work toward identifying potential low-cost, low-impact monitoring methods that can be deployed across the region. We will also discuss solutions for archiving of compiled data sets, with input from SIOS. Finally, we will plan targetted dissemination toward national and international management bodies concerned with this topic. A successful workshop will assure the enthusiasm to continue the synthesis work and expand personal collaborations beyond the period of this project.

Due to intensified climate warming, the Arctic coasts are rapidly eroding, and the run-off from glaciers and rivers are increasing. All the manifestations of climate change on land and in the ocean combine in the coastal zone and create a distinct, complex and rapidly changing environment. However, the impacts of this change on coastal biodiversity and ecosystem structure remain largely unknown. To close this knowledge gap, we propose to coordinate a network of coastal ecology research groups working across the Arctic with the specific aim of coordinating existing research on coastal biodiversity: The Arctic Coastal Biodiversity Observation Network (ARC-BON). ARC-BON was loosely organized in 2024 with conspicuous lack of involvement from the Svalbard community. The workshop proposed here will integrate the Svalbard reserach community into ARC-BON to put their work in the developing pan-Arctic context. At the workshop we will plan the first data synthesis on pan-Arctic intertidal biodiversity and work toward identifying potential low-cost, low-impact monitoring methods that can be deployed across the region. We will also discuss solutions for archiving of compiled data sets, with input from SIOS. Finally, we will plan targetted dissemination toward national and international management bodies concerned with this topic. A successful workshop will assure the enthusiasm to continue the synthesis work and expand personal collaborations beyond the period of this project.

Funding scheme:

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum