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NANO2021-Nanoteknologi, nanovitenskap, mikroteknologi og avanserte materialer

Advanced degradable nanocellulose-based matrix for stem cell differentiation and burn wound healing

Alternative title: Avansert nedbrytbar nanocellulose-matrix for stamcelle-differensiering og tilheling av brannskadesår

Awarded: NOK 0

Advanced degradable nanocellulose-based matrix for stem cell differentiation and burn wound healing. The Cellu4Heal project is focused on creating a new, advanced treatment for severe burn injuries. Burn care has since the 1970s relied largely on surgery and skin grafts. While better care over the last decades has led to reduced deaths, there’s still a strong need for more effective ways to help wounds heal and regenerate skin. For this purpose, mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) treatments have shown promising results. Early studies show that MSCs can help wounds heal faster and lead to better scar quality over time. However, delivering these cells to the wound in the right way remains a challenge. The Cellu4Heal project is focused on developing a biodegradable gel, the Cellu4Heal matrix, made from a natural material called nanocellulose. This gel is designed to be safely absorbed by the body and help speed up the healing of burn wounds, reduce inflammation, and prevent scarring. It offers a way to deliver the MSCs directly to the wound, which could lead to faster recovery and better long-term outcomes for patients. Through the project, a smart spray system will also be developed, to apply the treatment to wounds easily and effectively. This innovative approach could greatly reduce the risks and complications associated with severe burns, improving survival rates and significantly enhancing patients’ quality of life. The project is a collaboration between University of Bergen (UiB, Norway), Haukeland University Hospital (HUS, Norway), RISE PFI (Norway), National University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest (UPB, Romania), University of Helsinki (UH, Finland) and an industrial partner (Alginor Biorefinery AS (ABR AS), Norway).

Since the 1970s, large burn wounds have been treated with essentially the same strategies including surgical excision and grafting. Although later improvements in intensive care have led to decreased mortality, there is a great need for further advancements in wound healing and skin regeneration. In recent years, the use of mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) in the treatment of burns has gained increasing attention. Preclinical studies have indicated both local improvements in burn wound healing and long-term improvements in scar quality and contractures. However, there is a lack of a functional matrix for accurate dosing and delivery of MSC to the wound, and the optimal clinical administration system for MSC therapy is yet to be developed. Our project aims to develop and validate an advanced hydrogel matrix based on nanocellulose (CNF) (Cellu4Heal matrix) innovatively engineered with biodegradability and antibacterial properties that specifically meets the requirements of MSC delivery and therapeutically modifies the burn wound environment. The Cellu4Heal matrix can be utilized for accurate dose-controlled administration of MSC therapy to facilitate and promote skin regeneration of severe burn injuries. The Cellu4Heal project will develop an advanced degradable nanocellulose-based scaffolding material that is biocompatible and will add the novelty of built in properties of biodegradability to avoid remaining foreign material in the body beyond the period needed for the cell therapy to exert its sought effects of supporting skin regeneration. In addition, a novel intelligent spray-on delivery system will be developed for controlled administration of the Cellu4Heal matrix on the wounds. The project is a collaboration between University of Bergen (UiB, Norway), RISE PFI (Norway), National University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest (UPB, Romania), University of Helsinki (UH, Finland) and an industrial partner (Alginor Biorefinery AS (ABR AS), Norway).

Funding scheme:

NANO2021-Nanoteknologi, nanovitenskap, mikroteknologi og avanserte materialer