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CLIMIT-Program for CO2-håndtering

Strategic leadership of the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) JP CCS

Alternative title: Strategisk lederskap av European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) JP CCS

Awarded: NOK 0

During the last 10-12 years, SINTEF has prioritized being active and contributing to the European agenda setting processes for the development of policy and priorities for R&D&I at CCUS. Through this long-term commitment, SINTEF has become an important player in the European cooperation between authorities, R&I and industry. This includes the strategic management in EERA JP CCS, but also strategic management in ETIP ZEP, SET Plan Implementation working group 9 - in addition to being active in ongoing European Framework projects at CCUS, such as Horizon 2020 and the Horizon Europe projects CHEERS, ACCSESS and CoreEU. This project makes it possible for SINTEF to carry out the strategic management of EERA CCS JP by chief market developer Marie Bysveen in SINTEF Energi AS having the role of (being elected) by the EERA JP CCS members for this work over many years. Through a strong Norwegian presence and management of EERA JP CCS, Norwegian research priorities in the strategic work in EERA CCS JP and the associated SET planning work (IWG9) are promoted and preserved. As a support to Bysveen's work in EERA JP CCS, the project will also include outreach work with information and active dialogue with relevant Norwegian stakeholders, for example through FME gigaCCS, CLIMIT and the TCCS conference series. In addition to these roles taking leading and active roles in the development of work initiated by EERA JP CCS, the project provides a unique opportunity to spread Norwegian knowledge about CCS technologies and their future research needs, thereby influencing the content of future EU calls . . The most important Norwegian CCS actors will be informed about important European CCUS R&I processes - especially related to the SET Plan IWG9 work. A continued effort will also be put in place to have an effective dialogue with the Research Council of Norway about these processes.

SINTEF has over the last 10-12 years been active on the European CCUS policy and R&I arena, becoming a major player in the European collaborations between governments, R&I and industry. This includes the strategic leadership in EERA JP CCS, but also strategic leadership in ETIP ZEP, SET Plan Implementation working group 9 – in addition to being active in ongoing European Framework projects on CCUS, such as the projects CHEERS and ACCSESS. The applicant is active and has central roles in all these mentioned activities. This project enables SINTEF to execute the strategic leadership of the EERA CCS JP through chief market developer Marie Bysveen being elected by the EERA JP CCS members into this role since many years. Through strong Norwegian presence and leadership of the Joint Programme, Norwegian research priorities in the strategic work in EERA CCS JP and the related SET plan work (IWG9) will be promoted and preserved. As a support of the work of Bysveen in the EERA JP CCS, the proposal also proposes to include outreach work on information and active dialogue with relevant Norwegian stakeholders, such as through FME gigaCCS, CLIMIT and the TCCS conference series. In addition to these leading, strategic roles taking leading and active roles in the development of reports initiated by EERA JP CCS provides a unique opportunity to spread Norwegian knowledge about CCS technologies and their future research needs, and thereby influencing the contents of future EU R&I calls. Main Norwegian CCS actors will be informed about important European CCUS CCUS R&I processes - especially related to the SET PLan IWG9 work. A continued effort will also be put in place to haven efficient and fruit ful dialogue with the Research Council of Norway on these processes.

Funding scheme:

CLIMIT-Program for CO2-håndtering