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Targeted alpha-therapy (TAT) through composition of biocompatible nanoparticles able to carry Ra-223.

Alternative title: Målrettet alfaterapi (TAT) gjennom sammensetning av biokompatible nanopartikler som kan bære Ra-223.

Awarded: NOK 0.50 mill.

Researchers at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) have made an exciting discovery related to targeted radionuclide therapy, which aims to treat cancer by delivering radiation specifically to tumor cells. The discovery involves a tiny particle called a “nanocarrier” (NC) that have a unique ability to bind to and retain a radioactive substance called radium Ra-223. Since the NCs are biocompatible and can be injected into the blood stream, they can transport the radioactive substance directly to the tumor. This property is unique from existing solutions and could open up new possibilities for targeted alpha therapy (TAT). In summary, this breakthrough could lead to more effective cancer treatments using radium Ra-223. Researchers are working to optimize the NCs and prove their potential.

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