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DEMOS-Demokratisk og effektiv styring, planlegging og forvaltning

The Annual Meeting of the European Network for Multi-locality Studies

Awarded: NOK 0.15 mill.

Last decade brought radical changes that have affected both living and working multi-locally. Globalization processes, sharing and digital economy, artificial intelligence, information and communication technologies are among the influencing factors. The phenomenon of multi-local living (moving and living between first, second, and sometimes, third home), and multi-local (or multi-locational) work (in order words, working in multiple places, such as office, cabin, coffee shop, public library or shared workspace) have been increasingly investigated by several disciplines, e.g. among others sociology, geography, urban and regional planning, economy and businesses and organizational studies. The Annual Meeting of the European Network for Multi-locality Studies is at its ninth edition but it will be held for the first time ever in the Nordic context. It aims to support innovation and cooperation. The event will encompass two days, November 7 and 8, 2024. We expect to have academics from Norway, Nordic and other European countries from several disciplines (sociology, planning, economy, businesses and organizations and geography) focusing on multi-locality and innovation and several stakeholders as discussants/chairs of the tracks, and participants to the roundtable. Cooperation between researchers and innovators on the one hand, and the public sector, civil society and/or the business sector on the other hand, have become relevant to explore this phenomenon for several reasons such as i) further understanding various aspects of multilocality and situated urban and regional contexts; ii) future experimenting new ways of collecting and analysing data though the use of new technology (developed by businesses and academics); and iii) envisioning sustainable urban and regional strategies for the Norwegian society and beyond -which take into considerations these new ways of living and working of people involved and their mobility.

Funding scheme:

DEMOS-Demokratisk og effektiv styring, planlegging og forvaltning