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FMETEKN-FME teknologi

Studie av effekter av vindforskning

Alternative title: Study of the effects of wind research

Awarded: NOK 0.20 mill.

The project, VindEffekt, will be part of a larger study of the effects of energy research that the Research Council will carry out on behalf of the Ministry of Energy. VindEffekt will contribute to mapping the societal effects of offshore wind research funded by the Research Council of Norway's ENERGIX and FME programme. Relevant results from FME Nowitech (2009-2017) and FME NorthWind (2021-2029) will be analyzed with regard to societal effects, both achieved and expected. The societal effects, for example, economic potential, and impact on greenhouse gas emissions, energy security, etc., will be quantified as far as possible.

VindEffekt kartlegger de samfunnsmessige effektene av forskningen innenfor vindkraft finansiert av FME og ENERGIX. Relevante caser fra FME NOWITECH (2009-2017) og FME NorthWind (2021-2029) vil bli valgt og analysert mht. samfunnsmessige effekter. Resultatene vil bli publisert i en rapport.

Funding scheme:

FMETEKN-FME teknologi