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FMETEKN-FME - teknologi

Utarbeidelse av Case-Studier fra Forskningssenter for Bærekraftig Biobasert Drivstoff og Energi (Bio4Fuels).

Alternative title: Utarbeidelse av Case-Studier fra Forskningssenter for Bærekraftig Biobasert Drivstoff og Energi (Bio4Fuels).

Awarded: NOK 0.20 mill.

This study will be based on cases from the Bio4Fuels Centre, which main goal has been to reduce climate gas emissions from the transport sector, the largest contributor to the Norwegian emissions, through sustainable and economic production of biofuels, enabling the basis for production in Norway. The main topic of this initiative where: Breaking down the biomass to release fermentable sugars to produce bio-alcohols; Fermentation of the biomass in the absence of oxygen to produce a biogas to be used in long-heavy transport. The treatment of the biomass at higher temperatures to produce a liquid biooil, which is then upgraded to a relevant biofuel and Treatment of the biomass at higher temperatures to convert to a syngas, followed by upgrading of the gas to a substitute biofuel. This project will review specific research cases and try to answer the following overall question: What are the measurable effects of energy research? What are the potential social, economic and environmental effects of the research in Bio4fuels? For instance, we are going to study the environmental effect of our research. At which degree the technologies could be implemented at industrial scale and which impact that could have on the environment. Which kind of effect this research could have on energy systems, eventually which percentage of our constantly increasing energy needs, could be cover by these technologies if implemented at scale. There are also parallel effects as potential reductions in discharge to the environment, use of materials, or advances, destruction of nature, also technical and knowledge transfer could also be an important aspect to consider in this project. Generally, we seek to create awareness about the tangible/ practical significance of research in the field of Energy.

Energidepartementet har i 2018 produsert en rapport om effekten av energiforskning gjennom konsulentselskapene Impello Management og Menon Economics. Rapporten fokuserte på forskningsfunnene fra forskjellige programmer som RENERGI/ENERGIX, (CLIMIT), men hovedsakelig forskningssentre for miljøvennlig energi (FME). Målet med arbeidet var å se på forskingseffekter i form av energieffektivisering, reduserte klimagassutslipp, stabilitet og sikkerhet i energiforsyningen, eksportrettet næringsvirksomhet og bedre forvaltning av naturressursene. Det kan derfor fastslås at samfunnseffektene er mange ganger høyere enn investeringene. En ny periode av FME forsking-programmer vil ta slutt i 2024 dermed Energidepartementet vil gjennom dette prosjektet oppsummere de viktigste funnene gjennom utarbeidelse av Studie-Caser som i 2018-rapporten. Bio4Fuels vil dermed bidra i fordypning/utvidelse av tidligere caser, men også i ny studie caser som har vært forsket på i periode 2018-2024, innen de forskjellige tematiske-områder.

Funding scheme:

FMETEKN-FME - teknologi