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5615 - Wearable, Intelligent Lightweight, Life-emPOWERing exoskeleton for people with disabilities in arms and hands

Alternative title: 5615 - Eksoskjelett for Uavhengighet: Smart Mobil Teknologi for Mennesker med Nedsatt Arm- og Håndfunksjon

Awarded: NOK 0

Project Manager:

Project Number:


Project Period:

2024 - 2027

Funding received from:


As many as 1 in 4 people will suffer from a stroke in their lifetime, and many of them will live with long-term effects, commonly the loss of function in one arm. This often results in dependency on others in many daily activities. Vilje Bionics, a Norwegian MedTech startup, is developing a motorized arm exoskeleton to assist these people in performing activities of daily living and as a result making them more independent. The exoskeleton supports movement of the shoulder, elbow, wrist, and grip, and is a mobile device that the user can wear in their home. The WillPower project is a collaboration between four European partners; Vilje Bionics (Norway), Together Tech (Sweden), Assistive Innovations (the Netherlands), and Roessingh Research and Development (the Netherlands). In the project, the Proof of Concept exoskeleton will be built, and an accompanying mobile application allowing for adjustment of settings and calibration of the exoskeleton will be implemented. A long-term study will be performed with approximately 20 users to validate the technology in a relevant environment and evaluate the impact of the exoskeleton and app. The results and findings from the study will primarily be used for further improvements of the technology, and will be analyzed to estimate the impact of the device on the users and society. The outcome of the project will be the foundation of a novel assistive device made available to millions of people worldwide.

The WillPower project aims to create the world’s first mobile robotic exoskeleton that supports motion in the entire arm, including the shoulder, elbow, wrist, and hand. This wearable device must be lightweight, mobile, and user-friendly, designed to improve the independence and quality of life for individuals with limited arm function. Ensuring safety, reliability, and durability is critical for the exoskeleton to provide comprehensive, real-world support to users in need. Project Objectives: The main objective is to create an innovative exoskeleton that supports the entire arm. The project will also validate the technology through a longitudinal study, assessing the Proof of Concept exoskeleton’s impact and usability in real-life settings. Based on the findings, the prototype will be optimized to meet users' needs better. This requires interdisciplinary collaboration, combining expertise in robotics, healthcare, and user experience. Critical R&D Challenges: Intent measurement hardware and software, and control software for shoulder, elbow, wrist, and grip in one single system, with high precision, safety, and reliability, and compatible with medical device regulations requirements. Safe, reliable, durable, aesthetically pleasing, lightweight, ergonomic, and comfortable wearables that enhance high usability. Simple Independent Donning and Doffing. Adaptability to a diverse user group with different individual needs. Success in these areas will position the exoskeleton as a unique and life-changing solution in assistive technology, addressing a significant gap in support for upper limb disabilities.

Funding scheme: