PES støtte går til å dekke Fragments tidsbruk og kompetanse inn mot Horizon-søknaden. Fra tidligere jobber har søknadsansvarlige Helene Gallis vært involvert I en rekke slike søknader hvorav flere ga uttelling I fullfinansierte Horizon-prosjekter.
Selve prosjektsøknaden oppsummeres slik:
Urban development often fails to involve citizens, especially marginalized groups, in creating public spaces, leading to less inclusive neighborhoods. CONnECT addresses this by linking public authorities with citizens to implement the ‘Right to the City’ framework, aligning with the UN’s goals. Using New European Bauhaus principles, the project transforms neighborhoods into accessible, diverse spaces that promote social justice. It enhances political participation, fosters equal involvement in urban policies, and builds collaborative alliances. CONnECT tests innovative engagement methods and sustainable governance models, empowering citizens to shape inclusive environments, while promoting social cohesion and a circular economy.