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EU-STRA-EU - Strålevern


Awarded: NOK 0

By step-change EURAD-2 means a new era via a more effective and efficient public research, development and demonstration (RD&D) in Europe, and a deepening of research cooperation between MS having different radioactive waste inventories, and with programs at various stages of development. The scope of EURAD-2 builds upon the achievements of EJP EURAD-1 and EURATOM PREDIS. At a strategic level it is structured by the EURAD-1 Roadmap, while the prioritized scope refers to the updated Strategic Research Agenda (SRA)6. EURAD-2 continues to collaboratively develop, maintain and consolidate at the European level the scientific and technical basis of RWM, including disposal. The scope of EURAD-2 includes scientific and technical activities on all steps (from “cradle to grave”) of RWM: - Radioactive waste inventory including steps to minimize final radioactive waste to be managed; - Radioactive waste characterization & processing (including pre-treatment, treatment and conditioning); - Interim storage of radioactive waste; and - Disposal solutions – with the main focus on geological disposal of spent fuel, high-level waste (HLW) and long-lived intermediate level waste (ILW). Specific RD&D required for near-surface or surface disposal and low-level waste (LLW), will be addressed.Nuclear facility dismantling and decommissioning activities are however excluded, although interfaces, and particularly aspects that impacts final disposal could be considered. The project aims to connect with the wider European Community through, e.g., SNETP, NEA, DigiDECOM community, IGDTP, IAEA, ENSREG, ERDO Association, and will encourage interaction between different national programmes.

Funding scheme:

EU-STRA-EU - Strålevern