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NANO2021-Nanoteknologi, nanovitenskap, mikroteknologi og avanserte materialer

4th Annual Meeting - Particle Engineering Days 2024

Awarded: NOK 0

The 4th edition of the Particle Engineering Days is an annual meeting organized by the Particle Engineering Centre (PEC) at the Department of Chemical Engineering, NTNU, Norway, established in early 2021. Extensive experience in particle science and engineering has served as the basis for the research activities in the Centre, within the thematic areas of nanomedicine, hydrometallurgy & recirculation of batteries, & environmental application. One of the research milestones and achievements of the Centre is the development of the COVID-19 test method. The main goal of the PEC is to advance the scientific and technical knowledge, both fundamental and application within the thematic areas. Among the application-based research are utilizing nanoparticles for biotechnological purposes and the recycling of critical materials to support green energy transition. So far, the center has hosted approximately 45 MSc students, 12 exchange students, and 20 PhD candidates. Most of these students have written their Master theses in collaboration with the Centre and the first PhD candidates are submitting their theses this autumn. Particle Engineering Days 2024" is a two-day event that will feature invited talks, panel discussions, image contests, and poster sessions from national and international experts spanning academia and industry, Day 1 (9th December): Talks will focus on Hydrometallurgy, Battery Recycling and Environmental Applications. Several experts from industry and academia will join us during the day including confirmed participation from SINTEF, NTNU, and Vianode among others. Day 2 (10th December): The theme will cater to Nanomedicine, Macromolecules, & Colloids, complemented by a panel discussion on transforming research and innovation into tangible outcomes. We seek RCN's support to help organize the second day of PEC Days, which is dedicated to nanomedicine. With this support, we can invite distinguished speakers and enhance the program's impact.

Funding scheme:

NANO2021-Nanoteknologi, nanovitenskap, mikroteknologi og avanserte materialer