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GLOBVAC-Global helse- og vaksinasjonsforskn.

Climate Change Impact on Mental Health: The Philippines Case

Awarded: NOK 0

The Philippines is frequently facing many extreme weather events that seriously affect mental health. The Mind4Climate pre-project aims to address the growing mental health crisis in the country associated with climate change. This project seeks to establish a partnership among researchers, healthcare providers, NGOs, and government agencies from Norway and the Philippines. We plan to conduct a comprehensive needs assessment, followed by designing community-based interventions and workshops that build local capacity to collaborate effectively. We, therefore, plan to design a culturally relevant, scalable project involving diverse experts from health economics, mental health, and global health ethics expertise. Depending on the foundation of this pre-project, we seek to effectively address climate-induced mental health challenges and build a research proposal for the effects of climate change on vulnerable communities in the Philippines.

Funding scheme:

GLOBVAC-Global helse- og vaksinasjonsforskn.