13 423 antall prosjekter


Acquisition and Analysis of Perfusion Imaging Data using Ultrasound and Magnetic Resonance Imaging

The aim of the proposed project is to increase the diagnostic potential of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and ultrasonography when applying a contrast agent. The core application of the project is perfusion imaging, i.e. imaging of tissue perfusion para meters (e.g. blood flow, blood volume and...

Tildelt: kr 58 000

Prosjektperiode: 2009-2009

Sted: Ukjent Fylke


Russia`s External Energy Policy: Paradigm Shifts within Geographical Context of Europe, Northeast Asia, and Central Asia

Despite variations in Russia`s approaches within each of dimensions - Europe (EU), Northeast Asia (NEA), and Central Asia (CA) - some common features allow analysis of three policy paradigms: liberal (adjusted to market economy principles) towards EU; col lectivist (informed by residual Soviet-th...

Tildelt: kr 0,16 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2009-2010

Sted: Ukjent Fylke


Visual Philosophy: An approach towards interpreting and mediating philosophical ideas through visualization

The growing importance of research in Art and Design creates a need for new forms of didactics and teaching and, as many practice oriented fields, these disciplines face such challenges without having a firm theoretical fundament. Theoretical concepts can not be identified by the properties they ...

Tildelt: kr 99 999

Prosjektperiode: 2009-2010

Sted: Ukjent Fylke


Verb movement and the left periphery A comparative analysis of Scandinavian and Romance languages

The post-doctoral project including the research period at CASTL, University of Tromsø, consists of a comparative approach between Scandinavian and Romance languages, based on both a synchronic and a diachronic study of syntax and the syntax-semantic inte rface of the languages belonging to each ...

Tildelt: kr 0,16 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2009-2010

Sted: Ukjent Fylke


Experiential Constructions in Indo-European languages from a diachronic and typological perspective

My research project in Historical Linguistics deals with a specific functional domain, i.e. that of experiential constructions, and how the main ancient Indo-European languages managed to find out appropriate morphosyntactic strategies to code these parti cular expressions. I am also interested i...

Tildelt: kr 46 000

Prosjektperiode: 2009-2009

Sted: Ukjent Fylke


Fire-spread modelling through plumbing shafts in interiors of buildings with the application of the Fire Dynamics Simulator software

My PhD research is focused theoretically on structural solutions of plumbing shafts, primarily in residential and civic buildings in terms of fire safety. Plumbing shafts are chimney-like spaces and they are used for vertical building services (sanitary p lumbing, wiring, ventilation etc.). In th...

Tildelt: kr 81 999

Prosjektperiode: 2009-2010

Sted: Ukjent Fylke


Coping with risk in maritime logistics - Managing risk, vulnerability and resilience in maritime logistics chains

Objective of the project: to develop new competence that will improve our ability to approach, analyse and manage the risks and vulnerabilities that arise when ship-owners wish to take a more formal and comprehensive part in sea transport systems. The res earch tasks taken up by this project will...

Tildelt: kr 0,12 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2009-2010

Sted: Ukjent Fylke


Structural and socio-pragmatic aspects of Bulgarian-English code-mixing in some printed media

The current study aims mainly at examining the grammatical and the socio-pragmatic aspects of one relatively new bilingual phenomenon, English-Bulgarian code-mixing, or insertion of words from English into the sentence structure of Bulgarian, in some Bulg arian printed magazines. The study can be...

Tildelt: kr 81 999

Prosjektperiode: 2009-2010

Sted: Ukjent Fylke


Studying Norwegian Free Improvisation

My purpose is to study the aesthetical specificities of Norwegian Free Improvisation and to include the data I will gather in a broad transcultural study on Free Improvisation in Europe. I am invited by the Norwegian Academy of Music in Oslo, one of the g reatest music schools in Norway. I will f...

Tildelt: kr 34 000

Prosjektperiode: 2009-2009

Sted: Ukjent Fylke


The Euchologion of Jerusalem: An Introductory Study of Codex Sinai Greek NE MG 53

The liturgical tradition of the first millenium Jerusalem Church is of utmost importance for any study of the history of Christian worship, in the East as well as in the West. The first scholarly investigations of this tradition appeared about a century a go, but a certain lack of Greek sources d...

Tildelt: kr 25 000

Prosjektperiode: 2009-2009

Sted: Ukjent Fylke


Charterparty standard form contracts, international customs and lex mercatoria.

The project deals with the problem of the unification of private international maritime law by virtue of maritime international customary rules (lex mercatoria maritima), in the tramp market. The project I am submitting is intented to be the test of the g eneral theory developed, in summer 2008, ...

Tildelt: kr 25 000

Prosjektperiode: 2009-2009

Sted: Ukjent Fylke


Stability of solutions of the Camassa-Holm equation

The Camassa-Holm equation, which is a modell for shallow water waves, has been studied extensively over the last 15 years. Recently, A. Bressan, H. Holden and X. Reynaud discovered a new technique that provides stability of solutions for the Hunter-Saxton equation, a related to the equation of i...

Tildelt: kr 58 000

Prosjektperiode: 2009-2009

Sted: Ukjent Fylke


The impact of the Anatomy Act in Ireland: Body supply, medical education and professionalisation in Ireland:1832 to 1921

This project studies the history of anatomy in Ireland (1832 to 1921), a much-neglected topic compared to the level and intensity of research on England. The Anatomy Act determined which poor bodies, and in what numbers, could be used for medical research purposes. This study will examine Irish ...

Tildelt: kr 40 000

Prosjektperiode: 2009-2009

Sted: Ukjent Fylke


Modelling and study of SAR signatures of sub- and meso-scale ocean dynamic phenomena

The general objective of proposed project is to investigate synthetic aperture radar (SAR) signatures of sub- and meso-scale oceanic dynamic phenomena (IWs, meso-scale currents and fronts) in the Norwegian and Barents Seas with use of Envisat ASAR imagery , supplementary satellite data and ocean ...

Tildelt: kr 58 000

Prosjektperiode: 2009-2009

Sted: Ukjent Fylke


Aural Sonology Project (Concrescence) for Ligeti's music. Aural perception, spectra, heterogeneous temperaments, harmonics

Ligeti's music is based on several aspects. Some of them are strictly connected to the music as heard. Works like "Continuum", "Chamber Concert", "Atmosphères", and many others are based on aural illusions. The ordinary ways of analysis are insufficient a nd inadequate to interpret the complexity...

Tildelt: kr 0,13 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2009-2010

Sted: Ukjent Fylke


Rheological properties of lime based renders containing alternative silicate binders

My work deals with newly designed plasters, which should have properties similar to original historical materials. During my stay, I would perform research of the rheology and adhesion properties of lime based renders containing alternative silicate binde rs. I´m testing several different types o...

Tildelt: kr 58 000

Prosjektperiode: 2009-2009

Sted: Ukjent Fylke


European Existentialism and Postmodernism

The project emphasizes on a presentation of European Existentialism and its "clash" with Postmodern relativism. After the general description of the fundamental Existentialist concepts I will focus more on the relationship between Existentialism and Postm odernism. My target philosophers are Sart...

Tildelt: kr 58 000

Prosjektperiode: 2009-2009

Sted: Ukjent Fylke


Numerical modeling of fluid-structure interaction in human vocal folds

The project is focused on mathematical modeling of airflow in human vocal folds. It builds on the research conducted by both the proposer and the host institution. The proposer and the host institution hope to exchange knowledge and compare the results of numerical simulations of airflow in huma...

Tildelt: kr 55 000

Prosjektperiode: 2009-2009

Sted: Ukjent Fylke


Research for Disseration Thesis

My project is focused on the research for my dissertation thesis, which I plan to defense at my home university (Tomas Bata University in Zlin, Czech Republic) in June 2011. I started my Ph. D. studies in September 2008 and it is usual to study 3 years. M y stay in Norway and all information I wi...

Tildelt: kr 70 000

Prosjektperiode: 2009-2009

Sted: Ukjent Fylke


Isolation and characterization of crocetin derivatives from wild Crocus species and alternative total synthesis of crocetin and analogs

Crocus sativus L., is cultivated in many areas of the Mediterranean region and South Asia for its red stigmas (style branches, commonly known as saffron). Saffron is used as food and beverages additive, is an important ingredient of Mediterranean, Indian and Chinese diet and has been used as a d...

Tildelt: kr 55 000

Prosjektperiode: 2009-2009

Sted: Ukjent Fylke


An Ethnographic Research on the EU-Driven Security Policies and Bureaucratic Transformation Efforts in the Everyday Work of the Police.

With the EU membership process, Turkey has been subjected to many diverse and contradictory policies in different areas, which affect the structure of the bureaucratic institutions and everyday life of the people. Therefore, it is not only important but a lso crucial to study the impact of these ...

Tildelt: kr 69 999

Prosjektperiode: 2009-2010

Sted: Ukjent Fylke


Effects of fatty acids and phytochemicals on inflammation in APCmin/+ mice, a model of colorectal cancer.

Colorectal cancer is a common form of malignancy in developed countries, and its incidence keeps increasing every year. Many are the factors that contribute to its development. However, food habit seems to play a very important role in this type of cancer . Because of the importance on colorectal...

Tildelt: kr 0,15 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2009-2010

Sted: Ukjent Fylke


The lost paradise? Images of Childhood in 20th Century's Norwegian Children's Literature.

The project deals with the change of childhood in 20th century's Norway and with the images of childhood reflected in Norwegian children's literature of this time. Do the literary pictures correspond with "reality" or do they differ from it? Which images of childhood can be found in Norwegian ch...

Tildelt: kr 0,13 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2009-2010

Sted: Ukjent Fylke


Examination of unpublished cylinder-seals, seals and gems of the Antiquity collection in the Museum of Cultural History (University of Oslo)

With the research in the Museum of Cultural History (Oslo), my objective is to classify the cylinder-seals, seals and gems held there. These objects were collected by Baron Plato von Ustinow in the 19th century. This collection counts more than fourty cyl inder-seals, seals and gems coming from t...

Tildelt: kr 25 000

Prosjektperiode: 2009-2009

Sted: Ukjent Fylke


Dwelling with Power: an ethnography with Gwich'in Harvesters

The project concerns with movements and continuity of life for indigenous peoples, specifically Teetl"it Zheh Gwich"in, and critically asserts conventional ethnographic and anthropological research through focusing on "mundane" themes such as wood, trails , cabins, texts, and policies. Using the ...

Tildelt: kr 70 000

Prosjektperiode: 2009-2009

Sted: Ukjent Fylke


Modulation of hepatic peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor isoforms and lipid peroxidation by Tributyltin in Atlantic salmon in vitro

Organotin compounds, such as tributyltin (TBT) are one of the main marine contaminants. They are used as antifouling biocides in marine paints for ships and are continuously released to the enviroment. TBT is a known endocrine disruptor, i.e. compounds th at disrupt the hormonal equilibrium in or...

Tildelt: kr 0,13 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2009-2010

Sted: Ukjent Fylke


Phylogenetic microarrays: A new tool for biodiversity assessment.

As part of an already running project "Phylogenetic microarrays and high-throughput sequencing: A new tool for biodiversity assessment in Northern Norway" (190265/S40), were we have proposed to improve the resolution of current environmental monitoring pr ograms (EMP), this application will focus...

Tildelt: kr 0,16 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2009-2010

Sted: Ukjent Fylke


Research Stay in Bergen

My current research field is philosophy of art, with particular reference to classic expressivists (Tolstoy, Croce and Collingwood). I am attempting to defend the notion of expression of the classic expressivists by relating it to the Wittgensteinian one and to give a global elucidation of the c...

Tildelt: kr 70 000

Prosjektperiode: 2009-2009

Sted: Ukjent Fylke


Automatic extraction of valency lexicons from Latin corpora

The goal of this project is to create two new linguistic resources for Latin, namely two computational valency lexicons, i. e. dictionaries containing syntactic, semantic, and frequency information on the arguments of verbs. Valency lexicons distinguish t ransitive verbs from intransitive verbs a...

Tildelt: kr 0,13 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2009-2010

Sted: Ukjent Fylke


Glacier dynamics and volume change estimation using advanced remote sensing techniques

We propose to submit a research project to Research Council of Norway, Division for Science under its YGGDRASIL mobility programme in collaboration with host institution Northern Research Institute (Norut) Tromso,Norway and CSRE, Indian Institute of Techn ology, Bombay Mumbai, India. The effort e...

Tildelt: kr 0,11 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2009-2010

Sted: Ukjent Fylke