0 antall prosjekter

PSYKISK-Psykisk helse

Characterization of early trauma/dysmorphogenesis and adult neurodysfunction in schizophrenia – relation to adult brain morphology

...are implicated in its etiology. The aim of the doctoral project is to characterize...spectrum disorder with regard to history of obstetric complications during delivery, adult...minor physical anomalies and craniofacial features, the latter measured in 3D from...

Tildelt: kr 1,8 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2005-2010

Sted: Oslo

FRIMED2-FRIPRO forskerprosjekt, medisin og helse

Tyrosine Kinase Signaling by LTK at the Endoplasmic Reticulum: Relevance for Proteostasis, Secretion and Malignant Cell Growth

...is key component of cellular proteostasis, which is deregulated in...of diseases such as cancer, neurodegeneration and many genetic disorders. The regulation of...(ER). Notably, LTK localizes to the ER and is activated by challenges to the proteostatic...

Tildelt: kr 8,7 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2017-2020

Sted: Oslo

ENERGIX-Stort program energi

2ND LIFE - The value of second life batteries in the future energy system

...project aims to identify and quantify obstacles and opportunities for the...economy. We will contribute to expand the state of the art due to its inclusion of...includes providing: - a thorough assessment of future developments within the Norwegian market...

Tildelt: kr 12,0 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2021-2025

Sted: Akershus

MAROFF-2-Maritim virksomhet og offshore operasjoner 2

System optimisation and stress testing in co-simulations

...technology, but the world is changing fast, and major challenges threaten this position. Rapid...with higher efficiencies are needed, as the MAROFF work programme asserts. This necessitates a...perspective, which requires coordinated and unified action from a wide range of research...

Tildelt: kr 12,0 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2023-2027

Sted: Møre og Romsdal


E!114334 C-LITE - Improved human free light chain diagnostic immunoassay reagents

...gammopathies, prognostic stratification and monitoring of therapy responses. The...related to specificity, sensitivity, linearity, and lot-to-lot and interanalyzer variation. We...these issues through the astute selection of the antibody and antigens used. The C-LITE...

Tildelt: kr 6,0 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2020-2023

Sted: Akershus

HAVBRUKS-Havbruk - en næring i vekst

Investigations into endocrine changes associated with photoperiod treatment to arrest or promote puberty in male Atlantic cod

...maturation leads to significant loss of body weight during the spawning season, and...the most efficient strategy to enhance growth and delay pu berty in cod. Continuous light...onwards delays puberty to at least 3 years of age. However, LL treatment is less effective...

Tildelt: kr 3,0 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2004-2007

Sted: Vestland


Science and Business in Arctic Environmental Governance

...many accounts of Arctic governance acknowledge the important...the circumpolar level, we know little about how and when this influence is actually exercised. The...politics. Extant literature on the role of science and business actors in other global...

Tildelt: kr 6,0 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2016-2020

Sted: Oslo

RENERGI-Fremtidens rene energisystemer

Hydrogen in solar-grade p-type silicon: dominant complexes and solar cell efficiency

...is dominated by solar cells based on mc-Si, and it is expected that Si will continue to...are put down in research related to improving and optimizing such silicon based photovoltaics....been attributed to light-induced dissociation of the B-Fe pair. Metallic impurities are still...

Tildelt: kr 5,2 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2009-2012

Sted: Oslo

HAVBRUK2-Stort program for havbruksforskning

The balancing act: Biologically driven rapid-response automation of production conditions in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS)

...Aquaculture has been tasked to meet this demand. Recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) have...interaction with wild fish, reduced water use and collection of waste. However, the potential of...and automation are on the forefront of priorities to improve production efficiency and...

Tildelt: kr 12,0 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2021-2026

Sted: Troms - Romsa - Tromssa

PES2020-Prosj.etabl.støtte H2020

PES SESO - Integrated Software Engineering and System Operation for Systems of Systems

...project will integrate tools for identifying and analysing low quality parts of highly complex...of the low quality parts. These tools and tool chains will be provided as a s ervice to...SuperOffice will use such service to monitor and better understand how the user perceives their...

Tildelt: kr 0,11 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2014-2014

Sted: Oslo

FFL-JA-Forskningsmidlene for jordbruk og matindustri

Strawberry Harvester for Polytunnels and Open Fields

...for strawberry production in polytunnels and open fields. Labour shortage is one of the...challenge that needs to be solved is robust and reliable mobility in the field, which is an...developed the Thorvald robot, which is capable of moving autonomously both in polytunnels and in...

Tildelt: kr 2,4 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2020-2023

Sted: Akershus

MAROFF-2-Maritim virksomhet og offshore operasjoner 2

GREEn Norwegian LubricANt proDuction

...leakages and spills from marine vessels have become an...last decades. Increased social, Governmental and non-Governmental associations awareness have...regulations intended to minimize the pollution of oceans and coasts. The new regulations (e.g....

Tildelt: kr 9,7 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2022-2026

Sted: Buskerud

MARINFORSK-Marine ressurser og miljø

Genetic variability in population responses of Atlantic cod to environmental change

...key challenge to successful management and the resolution of conflict is to correctly...scale at which strategies for harvesting and climate-change mitigation should be developed....scale will result in higher fishing mortality, and a greater risk of overfishing and depletion,...

Tildelt: kr 1,9 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2014-2016

Sted: Oslo

DIV-INT-Annet internasjonalt samarbeid

Norwegian Funding of SNBL through SNX Foundation 2013-2016

...coordinate, promote and support the operations of the Swiss-Norwegian...between the Swiss Steering Committee SSC - SNBL and the Research Council of Norway. The...are supervised by its Council, where the Swiss and Norwegian sides are represented at equal...

Tildelt: kr 42,2 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2013-2018

Sted: Ukjent Fylke

ENERGIX-Stort program energi

Accelerating Energy- and Sustainability Transitions in Ports: from national visions to co-constructed transition

...towards zero emission through the number of functions they serve, including delivering...the different sectors that intersect in ports; and developing new governance roles. The hub...substantial potential for sector coupling and integration of multiple energy systems....

Tildelt: kr 12,8 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2021-2025

Sted: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

FRIMEDBIO-Fri prosjektstøtte for medisin, helse og biologi

Genome dynamics in early eukaryotic evolution: importance of enigmatic lineages

...origin of the eukaryotic cell from the prokaryotic...most complex transition in evolution. Understanding the mechanisms of, and reasons for this...is of fundamental importance for both cellular and ev olutionary biology. To reconstruct the...

Tildelt: kr 3,5 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2014-2017

Sted: Oslo

ENERGIX-Stort program energi

AMmoniA Zero Emission abateMENT (AMAZEMENT)

...develop a new abatement system for the removal of nitrous oxide (N2O), nitrogen oxides (NOX) and...fuelled engine used for maritime propulsion and power generation. It is comprised of...with zero or extremely low pollutant emissions and it will demonstrate the multi-stage abatement...

Tildelt: kr 1,6 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2022-2024

Sted: Oslo

JTI-Joint Technology Initiatives

ARTEMIS-prosjekt VARIES - VARiability In safety-critical Embedded Systems

...to succeed or even to survive, manufacturers and system integrators must be able to deliver new...and at an acceptable cost. The main goal of the VARIES project is to help Embedded Systems...a complete, cross-domain, multi-concern, state-of-the-art reference platform for managing...

Tildelt: kr 5,4 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2012-2016

Sted: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

ENERGIX-Stort program energi

Energy efficient and climate friendly cooling, freezing and heating onboard fishing vessels

...main objective is to increase energy efficiency of the utility systems (cooling, freezing and...systems requires and enables development of new efficient utility systems concepts. One...vessels to cover a significant portion of cooling and freezing demand for fish...

Tildelt: kr 12,0 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2019-2023

Sted: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

IKTPLUSS-IKT og digital innovasjon

EXAIGON - EXplainable AI systems for Gradual industry adoptiON

...recent advances of Artificial Intelligence (AI) hold promise for...deployable in social environments, industry and business-critical applications, several...trustworthiness must be addressed first. Most of the recent AI breakthroughs can be attributed...

Tildelt: kr 16,0 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2020-2025

Sted: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

HAVKYST-Havet og kysten


...tools for identifying population structure, and hence form an important part of modern schemes...techniques are typically based on a measure of differences in allele freq uencies between...about contemporary population structure and animal abundance. The idea is to use forensic...

Tildelt: kr 2,7 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2007-2012

Sted: Vestland

F-GEO-Naturvitenskap, geofag

ODP Leg 202 - Assessing orbital controls and tropical ocean-atmosphere dynamics and rapid climate change over the mid-Pleistocene transition

...of rapid climate oscillations during previous...Southeast Pacific, permitting the resolution of millennial-scale variability. These records...latitude links regarding mechanisms and spatial extent of rapid climate change. The...

Tildelt: kr 0,30 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2003-2005

Sted: Vestland

PETROMAKS2-Stort program petroleum

Development of high-performance and environmentally friendly water-based fluid systems for the oilfield industry

...underlying idea of the innovation is to develop new, economically...the oilfield industry, suitable for one or more of the application areas water-based drilling...fluids, oil well cementing or water shut-off. The key element in the invention is the...

Tildelt: kr 6,1 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2012-2014

Sted: Oslo

HAVBRUKS-Havbruk - en næring i vekst

Mating designs that realise genomic potential in aquaculture

...mating designs, but (1) the underlying theory of what is an optimal design is lacking, and (2)...improvement by >20% implying >30 mNOK extra profit per yr. In the post genomics era, mating...to improve the possibilities for the selection of superior individuals, but also need to provide...

Tildelt: kr 5,0 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2009-2013

Sted: Akershus

PES2020-Prosj.etabl.støtte H2020

AkvaTotal - compact, cost-effective and sustainable large-scale low trophic aquatic production

...over the last five (5) years developed, tested and patented new equipment and solutions to...The company is set to boost aquatic production of low trophic species that can enter existing and...the whole water column. Large quantities of low trophic organisms are given ideal...

Tildelt: kr 49 999

Prosjektperiode: 2019-2019

Sted: Rogaland

MAROFF-2-Maritim virksomhet og offshore operasjoner 2

Development of hydrogen transport ships

...will be produced from a) hydropower and b) natural gas including carbon capture...methods are well known where Greenstat and NEL focus on electrolyses based on renewable...Both actors have ongoing R&D in these areas and this will form input to this project....

Tildelt: kr 0,15 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2016-2016

Sted: Vestland


A numerical study to evaluate wave impact loads acting on ships/ocean structures employing a particle-based approach

...assess the ultimate strength of ships/ocean structures, it is important to...interactions such as slamming. In terms of design, quantitative evaluations of the wave...members. The fluid-structure interaction and elastic /elastoplastic bucking of the...

Tildelt: kr 0,14 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2011-2012

Sted: Ukjent Fylke

DIV-AKT-Planlegging, utredning og evaluering

37 ºC Life Science Technology and Business Conference, 19th - 20th June 2018, Stavanger Forum

...to the second edition of 37 ºC Life Science Technology & Business...business platform for industry, research and innovation, where Early-stage companies can...can meet technology companies, entrepreneurs and new talent. R&D and academia can expose...

Tildelt: kr 50 000

Prosjektperiode: 2018-2018

Sted: Rogaland

FRIMEDBIO-Fri prosjektstøtte for medisin, helse og biologi

ERC-Witter-The entorhinal connectome: a way to read the cortex

...important challenge of modern neuroscience is to causally relate the...processing. Experimentally based rules on why and to what extent architecture causes function,...biologically inspired computer architectures and ii) significantly enhance the potential to...

Tildelt: kr 13,7 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2013-2018

Sted: Trøndelag - Trööndelage


WAY - Breakthrough AI-powered traffic education

...overall vision of WAY’S Accelerator project is to prototype,...novel and disruptive AI-based traffic training software and a full-scale traffic simulator. Our...1) AI-based feedback to each student's level of competence incl. analysis of how students...

Tildelt: kr 74 999

Prosjektperiode: 2022-2024

Sted: Trøndelag - Trööndelage