Fruits of Rubus chamaemorus (cloudberry) are of commercial importance to the culture and economy in Northern Scandinavia and Finland. Fruit production in natural stands has been limited by poor pollination due to lack of pollinating insects in cold summer temperatures and due to aggressive spreading of unproductive male plants in the stand. Inducing parthenocapic developent of ruits in the field will eliminate the need for male plants and the need for pollination. Preliminary investigations suggested that external application of plant growth factor gibberellins, (present in pollen grains and berries) either alone or in combination with NAA induced parthenocarpic development of fruits in Rubus chamaemorus. In this project, we propose to extend these prelim inary observations on the role of plant hormones and gibberellins in parthenocarpic fruit development. In addition, we have proposed to explore the possibility of applying trangenic technology to induce parthenocarpy in Rubus chamaemo chamaemorus. In this project, we propose to extend these preliminary observation on the role of plant hormones and gibberellins in parthenocarpic fruit development. In addition, we have proposed to explore the possibility of applying transgenic technolog y to induce parthenocarpy in Rubus chamaemorus.