New sensor technology like fiber optics, “smart skins”, very accurate navigation/positioning and advanced IT-communication systems, will together with expertise in hydro/aerodynamics, structures and cybernetics revolutionalize operation and control of shi ps and sea structures. Significant increase of cost-effectiveness, reliability, safety and competitiveness will be obtained. Within this programme the following operating scenarios will be focused upon: - Ship handling in narrow waters, areas with heavy traffic like harbors, ports, terminals and where environmental aspects require special attention, where grounding and collision will represent severe environmental damages. - Control and reduction of ship motions, accelerations and structural loads is vital for comfort, safety, payload and effective speed on routes. The competitiveness of future sea transportation of containers, cars, passenger etc. depends on these factors. - Exploration of the oceans for sea food, oil and gas and for naval warfare. More accurate manoeuvring of ships and systems will open new possibilities and significantly increase the effectiveness of such operations. - Multiship/craft operations at sea, like emergency/rescue operations, naval and offshore/oil operations. MARINTEK will within this strategic institute programme combine new technology and simulation based design techniques to offer manufacturers, operators and maritime authorities extended R&D services and products, as mote efficient tools for operational pl anning decision-support systems onboard and remote pilotage, training and virtual prototyping of new concepts/products. ations. The main activities of the programme are: - Development and integration of hydro/aerodynamics, structure and control systems - simulation environment, laboratories and techniques - Experimental techniques and rapid control prototyping
SIPNKOMP-SIP-NHD: Andre nasjonalt viktige kompetansefelt