Hydrogen has been characterised as ”the energy carrier of the future” due to its non-polluting properties. Fuel Cells provide efficient conversion of hydrogen to electricity. The project will focus on the combination of fuel cells and power electronics converters to facilitate the production of electricity that meets the power requirement for stationary power production and marine applications. The project focuses on key activities where Norway has particular premises for success in agreement with recommendations given in "Hydrogensamfunnet, en nasjonal mulighetsstudie" (NFR, NYTEK 2000). The partners in this project are Aker Maritime, The Norwe gian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) with support from the Foundation of Scientific and Industrial Research (SINTEF) and in co-operation with Institute for Energy Technology (IFE). Industry show willingness to support this competence project a nd interest in further development and utilisation of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies. Aker Maritime has committed to the project by financial support. Additional funding for second half of the project has been obtained from SINTEF Materials Technology and SINTEF Energy Research. The proposed project is meant as a supplement to the Competence Project HYDROGEN TECHNOLOGY – materials, processes and system analysis (NFR Project no.: 144089/212) and will contribute to enhanced co-operation with IFE.