Today's telecom networks consist of high bandwidth optical links; electronical routing and forwarding take place in the nodes, and represent a bandwidth bottleneck. Introducing optical switching gives potential advantages such as "unlimited" bandwidth, co ntent- and bitrate transparency and strong reduction of costly and power consuming OEO converters associated with electrical processing. Optical Packet Switching (OPS) maximises network utilisation compared to optical line switching, especially in networks with bursty sources such as Internet. In between optical line switching and OPS is Optical Burst Switching (OBS), where bursts of packe ts are switched as entities by a common control signal. This reduces requirements on switch reconfiguration rate while maintaing a high network utilisation. OPS and OBS are at the research stage, it is uncertain when they may be introduced in networks due to the lack of practical optical buffering solutions and the "analogue" nature of the network. However, the potential for an efficient, high-capacity IP net work drives a high international research effort in this field. The node architecture wil heavily impact network performance and is the focus of the degree. Poursuing PhD studies at COM centre and interaction with the IST project DAVID, ensures world class research environment during studies.