Tilbake til søkeresultatene

VAM-Velferd, arbeidsliv og migrasjon

Ageing and senior life in a life course perspective. The NOVA strategic research plan 2002-2007

Tildelt: kr 15,0 mill.

The proposed project will seek to strengthen the competence in ageing research by tying competence building to a longitudinal study "the Norwegian Life Course, Ageing and Generation Study" (norLAG). The core question is how ageing and older years are shap ed by life course experiences and local contexts. The study will explore the conditions for quality of life in late adulthood, examine societal responsiveness to an ageing population, and provide knowledge for sustainable policies. norLAG is based on a st ratified random sample of the population aged 40 and over in 30 municipalities (N=5600). The first wave of data collection takes place in 2002, and is funded by the Research Council of Norway. New waves are planned for every fifth year. The proposal invol ves analysis of data from wave one. The study is based on partnerships with Statistics Norway and three academic institutions; Ageing Research Center in Tromsø, and the University Colleges of Agder and Nord-Trøndelag. The research is organised around four topics: (1) Work and retirement, (2) Families and intergenerational relationships, (3) Coping, mental health, and quality of life, and (4) Long-term care and service systems. Instruments are selected to allow internat ional comparisons with other ageing studies.


VAM-Velferd, arbeidsliv og migrasjon