Tilbake til søkeresultatene

PROOF-Langtidsvirkn. av utslipp til

Comparative oral and water based exposures of cod to produced water components.

Tildelt: kr 0,35 mill.






2005 - 2005


There are presently three on-going PROOF projects at RF-Akvamiljø and Institute of Marine Research (IMR) concerning effects of produced water components in cod. The projects have different objectives, and they focus on different aspects of effects in fish . Consequently, the studies vary in the way the fish are exposed to contaminants, as well as in the measurements of contaminant uptake, responses in the fish, and effect endpoints. The projects have, however, a close thematic relationship, and the informa tion value of the results will be strongly augmented by making it possible to compare the levels of exposure and effects between them. The additional experiment applied for will establish a basis to relate oral (dietary) and waterborne uptake of produced water components. This is an essential aspect that will improve the basis for interpreting all the three "parent" projects, and also to relate more precisely the results of other studies to them. This will increase the usefulness of the results for regula tory purposes, such as determination of critical discharge limits, monitoring threshold levels, etc. The on-going projects will contribute to the common study within their existing budget frames. The data will be issued in a common report and integrated i n the separate parent projects. In particular, the results will be used to clarify and quantify differences in uptake and effect responses to different modes of dietary and waterborne exposure in cod. These aspects of the results will be considered publis hed in collaboration by the involved participants.


PROOF-Langtidsvirkn. av utslipp til

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