Antisocial behavior among children and adolescents lead to great human costs for the youths, families, and local communities that are affected. The economical costs for the society at large are considerable. The principal objective of the current project is to contribute with knowledge about developmental pathways to antisocial behavior in a Norwegian population based sample of 12-year olds. The project will be based on five longitudinal data collections. It is earlier collected information about temperam ent, problem behaviors, risk and protective factors from more than 500 families when the children were 1 ½ years, 2 ½ years, 4 years, and 8 years. We are now planning a new data collection when the children reach 12 years, in the spring of 2005. Combining information from all the five waves of data collection will make it possible to investigate precursors to later antisocial behavior from early preschool years to the threshold of adolescence (18 months to 12 years), as well as typical problem patterns an d the developmental pathways leading to antisocial behavior. Pattern-oriented multivariate statistics, incorporating recent methodological developments, will be employed to address the research questions. Such knowledge might contribute to effective ident ification and early intervention with at-risk children and families. The present project will be a part of an already established research group, with experts from the University of Oslo / National Institute of Public Health, The Norwegian Center for the Studies of Behavior Problems and Innovative Practice, and the Regional Center. The project will also receive support from international experts on antisocial behavior and pattern oriented analysis.