Background: Patients with psychotic disorders are at a greater risk of having a drug abuse problem. Drug abuse is shown to worsen prognosis in psychotic disorders. Cannabis is, after alcohol, expected to be the most prevalent drug of abuse in our populati on. The biological association between psychotic disorder and cannabis abuse is little studied.
Aims: To gain a better understanding of the association between extensive drug abuse (cannabis) and psychotic disorder. This may in the future lead to improved diagnostic terms and better prophylaxis and treatment.
Questions: 1) What is the prevalence of drug abuse in a representative material of patients with psychotic disorders? 2)Will premorbid functioning, symptom characteristics and clinical course in pat ients with psychotic disorders be associated with drug abuse? 3)Will characteristic of the patients' neurocognitive functioning associated with drug abuse be identified? 4)Is there an association between changes in brain activity measured by fMRI during c ognitive paradigms and cannabis abuse in schizophrenia?
Method: The project is an integrated part of the Ullevaal 600 study where several research fellows are working on different subproject with a common protocol. In this way it will be possible to inclu de 600 patients with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder or other psychotic disorder. Drug abuse will be identified. All patients will be examined with diagnostic interview and cognitive functioning in addition to asessment of current symptoms and premorbid f unctioning. A follow-up study will be conducted on 200 of the patients. A subgroup of patients with schizophrenia and cannabis abuse (approx. 15) will be included in the fMRI study.