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ROMFORSK-Program for romforskning

Geomagnetic storms, and the identification of source and loss processes of ring current particles

Tildelt: kr 1,8 mill.

This is a study of the geomagnetic storm with focus on the ring current. The aim is to identify the source and loss processes for the ring current particles. In order to perform this investigation a multi-observational approach will be used where the Clus ter satellites together with the NOAA satellites are the main satellites. Other satellites as ACE, IMAGE and POLAR will complement the main satellites. Simultanous observations from 2-3 NOAA satellites in low altitude polar orbits together with observat ions from the four Cluster satellites at high altitude make up an excellent combination for studying the correspondence between high and low altitude magnetospheric conditions. Different plasma injection modes populate the ring current. The energy/time resolution of energetic particle data obtained by the Cluster satellites will be used to study the properties of dipersionless and energy-dispersed injections. Different decay processes of the ring current will be studied using measurements from the NOA A satellites. Both the loss through charge exchange and precipitation can be studied using data from the low-altitude NOAA-satellites. At high latitudes the satellites measure the precipitation of ion and electrons, while at low latitudes the loss throug h charge exchange can be studied. Proton precipiation related to the EMIC waves will be investigated more in details.


ROMFORSK-Program for romforskning

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