This proposal is for funds to support an ethnohistorian who will spend three years to organise and analyse the collection of what were then known as the Murmansk and Ural census expeditions. The records for these three areas are spread between several ins titutions located in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Murmansk, Arkhangelsk and Ekaterinburg. We propose to organise the census materials with a holistic database. Having collated the material we will then identify three particularly well-document communities for which we can retrospectively write a historical ethnography combining maps of land-use, photographs of traditional activities, sketches and paintings of settlements, statistics on demographic structure of families, and kinship charts. Copies of these ethn ographies will be distributed to the aboriginal rights associations in the areas. In meetings with representatives of native peoples, we expect the heavy normative element of the census records will bring forth our three theoretical questions. The conclus ion of the project will consist of a comparative theoretical work in English on how memory interacts with archives in the definition of aboriginal title, as well as a printed and illustrated publication in Russian for local communities. The technical meth odology for collating the documents has been tried successfully upon a collection of photographs, census cards and diaries held in the central Siberian city of Krasnoiarsk in 2002-2004 in a small pilot project sponsored by the British Academy.